Every summer my parents camp for a week or so on the west side of Michigan. This year they camped at Hoffmaster State Park in Muskegon. We were able to join them friday-monday! My grandparents camped as well on the site next to us in their motor home, and my Aunt, Uncle, and cousins were there starting on sunday. We had such a great time, and the weather was really great! We were able to beach it up numerous times and enjoyed some bike rides, campfires, games, and general DeKruyter madness :)

I made puppy chow, and they attacked it!
Alec's family actually was able to come out and join in the fun for a couple days. They were just a few sites down from us, so it worked out perfect!
We went putt-putt golfing at Craig's Cruisers friday night, and had so much fun! We all had a pretty good game (however we all admitted it was too easy of a course).
At Whippi Dip, the BEST ice cream place ever!!
We went to fireworks downtown Grandhaven, MI. We had to kill some time while we waited for them to start. I felt bad for the people sitting around us......one group actually picked up all their stuff and moved further away :)