Its been a while since I have updated. But here are a few pictures that show what we have been up to recently!
I started my new job as a registered nurse! It has been going really well, I am on my third week of orientation on the floor. I will have two more weeks after this one and then I am on my own! Yikes....seriously, do NOT feel ready to be responsible for caring for 4-5 patients all on my own. I am at Columbia St. Mary's (Milwaukee campus) on 6 East, which is a med/surg unit that over looks Lake Michigan. I am such a dork that a took a picture of my badge :)
This past weekend we went to Michigan to celebrate all the DeLange march birthdays and to meet our new niece! While visiting our nephews the youngest, Will, decided he was going to try and show us how he uses the big boy potty. Too funny, he just sits there and reads books. Will requested that Alec put him on it, and instead of taking off his diaper Alec just pulled it down! Oh my.....
The weather was SO nice while we were in Grant so we decided to take the dogs and walk around the nature center. Josie LOVES it there, she gets to run around off leash and does so well. She runs ahead of us on the path and then will keep checking back to make sure we are still with her. She ventured into the river and actually swam around a little bit, she was such a dirty mess after though!
We also were able to meet our new niece, Evelyn Grace. She is such a precious little blessing. She was born at 36 weeks so is a tiny little thing, born at 4lbs 1oz. She is in the NICU dealing with some additional health issues, but we got to go see her and she is just as adorable as can be. Aaron and Audrey are going to amazing parents to this little bundle!
This week Alec and I finally bought a new grill! The old one we had was a JOKE of a grill, pretty much was either on (aka catching things on fire) or off. It was a hand-me-down and is probably older than we are. So we updated in celebration of the nice weather!