Monday, July 15, 2013

5 Year Wedding Anniversary

Have we really been married 5 years already?!  I remember our wedding day like it was yesterday, and then sometimes it seems like we have been married forever (in a good way!).  I am so thankful for Alec, he truly is my other half (yikes....that is cheesy).

We celebrated by going out for drinks and dinner downtown Grand Rapids.  Alec actually took both Thursday and Friday off to do painting (post to come soon about that!).  For an anniversary present to me he got me a gift card to go get a massage!  So, lucky me, got to go out during the day on Friday (7/12) and get an amazing massage.  That evening, Travis and Merin came over to babysit.  I love having family so close that it works for them to come and do that!!!  We went to Republic for some happy hour drinks and appetizers.  Then headed over to Bar Davani for dinner.  I actually purchased a Groupon for dinner, so our meal was half off!  It was a very fun night out with just the two of us, something we very rarely do, especially now having a kid!

These last 5 years have been a little crazy, I think we do a big thing every year it seems like!  But we have been so happy and are loving our life together!

Looking back over the past 5 years:    (I'm including dates more so for my own reference of looking back!)
  • Alec was offered the Operations Manager position at GLCS (August '08)
  • We moved to an apartment in Milwaukee (September '08)
  • Bought a house in Milwaukee (April '09)
  • I decided to back to school for nursing, and started classes (September '09)
  • Alec continued too gain more responsibility with his position at work, which involved travel. (Nov. '09) (definitely something I had to get used too, he travels now about 2-3x/month) 
  • I graduated nursing school and passed the NCLEX (December '11, Jan. '12)
  • Found out we were pregnant with Brie (January '12)
  • I got an RN position at Columbia St Mary's (January '12)
  • Had Brie (Oct. '12)
  • Started exploring the possibility of moving back to Michigan with various job opportunities for Alec, causing his job role to change yet again slightly (with even more travel) (March '13)
  • Sold our Milwaukee house (May '13)
  • Bought our house in Lowell (June '13)
And a billion different things in between all that! We have been so blessed these last 5 years!


Jess and Brad said...

Congrats! We <3 you guys! :)

Megan said...

Happy belated anniversary!!