Leah is a very busy 10mon old!
There is never a dull moment with this kid, she doesn't sit still unless she is eating or sleeping! She is always on the move and always has an agenda. This week she has learned to open the cabinets in the kitchen (most are locked, not all); this has thrilled her to pieces. She hasn't really started taking the stuff out yet, but is fully amazed she can open and close them. Leah is always on the go, she just buzzes from one thing to the next. Unless she is doing something she isn't supposed to be doing (and she knows usually what falls on this list!), then she will sit there and work on it until she gets caught (ripping pages out of books is her favorite). We can't have anything on lower shelves, everything has been moved up.
Leah crawls very quickly, pulls up on everything, walkings along the furniture, and likes to walk while holding your hand. She also loves to push and walk behind things. She just started clapping her hands, and it is absolutely adorable! Leah will give you a kiss, and by a kiss I mean an open mouth slobbery mess :) She also has started copying what you do; if you stick out your tongue and say "where's your slicker" she will stick out her tongue.
She had a good streak going with sleep; she was starting to sleep through the night pretty consistently! She would go to bed around 7:30p/8p, but was waking up around 6:30am (which is too early for me). But that has seemed to all go away, she has more recently been waking up around 4am, and not wanting to go back to sleep. It has been HORRIBLE though; we need to get her back to sleeping through the night. I'm this close to just sticking her in the guest room and buying a good set of ear plugs. Leah usually takes 2 naps a day, sometimes a third depending on timing. When she goes to bed I put her in a fleece zip up sleep sack, put her plug in, and she has a lovey she cuddles with. She really loves her plug, we have a million of them all over the house and she is very excited when she comes across one!
Leah is a wonderful eater; she isn't picky at all (which is refreshing after Brie, who is VERY picky!). We have moved to bottles; no more nursing for little Leah. Its a good decision for both of us, it was hard for me at first to be done but it is for the best. She loves food, she is really good at picking foods up and feeding herself. She eats almost everything we have put in front of her. When Leah is done eating she just starts throwing it on the floor. She will look right at you and chuck her food on the floor.....stinker. Josie, however, loves this little habit of hers.
Some of Lele's favorite thing to do are:
- Books: She doesn't like to sit for books, but she loves to go through books herself. She really likes to crinkle and rip pages in books....so we have to watch the paper books around her. But she loves to turn pages in the board books we have!
- Get into whatever Brie is doing: Poor Brie is so tolerant most of the time, Leah seeks her out and just has to have her hands in whatever Brie is doing! I took a picture of Leah screaming as I was telling her she was not allowed to destroy the puzzle Brie was working on. She does not like when you take things away from her, or take her away from something.
- Seek and destroy: She will literally stop, look around for something to get into, and high tail it over there! She has a magnet for things she is not supposed to get into; books, my bible, picture frames, kleenex, , shoes, anything really!
- Be held: sometimes nothing makes her happy except for just holding the baby, the problem is it always seems to be at the most inopportune time. But I love holding a baby on my hip, so I try and do it as much as possible :)
We love this little kid so much. She is getting so old and I can hardly believe we are approaching the year mark!
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