Tuesday, September 24, 2013


Briana recently got over a crazy virus.  It started last Monday (9/16), I woke her up from her nap and she felt warm.  Sure enough her temp was 103.5!  I thought it was her ears initially since she had just gotten over a cold (ear infections often times follow nasal congestion).  So I called the next morning to see if the doctor could quick take a look.  I figured better get in sooner than later since we were supposed to go to WI for that upcoming weekend.  The doctor took a look and said, "Well, they don't look bad, but they don't look good"  So we decided to wait on antibiotics and see if she could get rid of whatever this was.  Well after she continued to have high fevers (103/104 degrees) Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday I decided to call and see if he would call in some antibiotics.  She had her first dose Thursday night.  Friday morning she seemed already to be feeling much better, picking at her ears, but actually playing and being ok on the floor and no more fever.  When I changed her diaper that morning though I noticed a rash all over!  I immediately thought she had a reaction to the medication.  I had to wait a couple hours until the doctors office opened before I could call and let them know, so in the meantime I just worried that she was allergic to penicillin and called a few of the other nurses in my life to see what they thought!

The nurse at the doctors office said it probably wasn't a reaction to the medication (thank goodness!!) but actually a viral infection called Roseola (you can click on that for more information).   Sure enough after reading the description for myself I realized what she had fit the description perfectly!  I didn't even remember learning about it in nursing school, just one of those weird childhood illnesses though.  It was a rough week to say the least, but we are glad to be done with it!  We are still on the amoxicillin for the ear infection, but just a few days left!

Sick babies are the worst, they can't communicate what hurts and what is wrong.  It was so hard to see her miserable!  She fell asleep on me, which NEVER happens.  These were our days though while she had the fever:

Here are a few pictures of her rash.  This was only the first day of it so it is hard to tell in the pictures, it actually got a lot more red the next day before going away.  It also spread to her face as well the following day.  You can see though she is feeling much better though, no more fever and actually interested in playing with toys!

She has really been enjoying bath time recently!  She loves watching the tub fill up, but still does not like when you have to dump water on her head.  

In other news, the pool is officially closed for the season!  That lump in the middle in a inflatable pillow (not Alec!).  

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