Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Silly Brie

She makes the silliest faces sometimes and does the most random things!

Loves brushing her teeth....although doesn't always like it when you brush them for her.

Watching daddy mow the lawn outside:

Sitting in the doggie bed reading a book:

She often times hams it up in the high chair, she gets silly while waiting for her food!

Looooves her some graham crackers, and often hums while she eats them!

Brie and Josie's relationship has been evolving, Josie loves that Brie eats more food now, she benefits greatly.  

Bad picture quality, but Brie had a puff snack stuck to her butt and Josie was going after it!

Unhappy baby at times....

Big girl in her new carseat!  

This is what happened when Alec watched her one time, she is all over the place so he decided to barricade her!  I don't think it lasted very long....

Borrowing her friend, Erin's car and making a silly face instead of smiling like she was supposed to.

Here is silly girl after eating her dinner:

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