Tuesday, August 6, 2013

10 Months Old

We have entered the double digits!  Every month that flies by I am still amazed at all the changes she makes in just one month.  Brie is a very busy little girl, she crawls around very quickly and usually crawls from one thing she isn't supposed to have to the next.  I am constantly chasing her around and taking stuff away from her.  Forget toys, who would want to play with those?!  They are so safe and boring, she would much prefer to play with dog food and water, papers, cords, shoes, and anything else that isn't 'hers'.  She is a cautious girl though, it took her a long time to pull herself up.  Not because she didn't figure it out, but because she was too nervous too.  She does pull herself up now though on everything! We have a baby gate on the steps, but she has showed zero interest in trying out the steps.

Getting a decent picture of her was almost impossible!  First, she had a huge scratch on her face (thankfully my mother in law was able to edit it off!).  And secondly, she would NOT sit still for anything!  So these pictures are good enough!  After about 50 shots I said forget it!

At 10 months old Brie is still nursing 4-5x/day.  She still gets up once in the night (around 5am), I feed her and then she goes back down until about 7am.  Just last night (8/5) for the first time I let her cry for 15 min instead of going down and feeding her, and what do you know she went back to sleep!  So that is the new plan I think, we will see how it goes!  She eats 3 meals a day, and we are starting to do less pureed foods and more chunks of food.  She prefers pureed food, and struggles with pieces, but we are getting better and better.  Her favorites are anything in the carb family (duh, who doesn't love carbs!), but is pretty good with most veggies and fruits. We are putting more food on her highchair tray and letting her feed herself, although if it isn't something she absolutely loves she chucks it on the floor for Josie to eat.  She does the same thing with her sippy cup, after she is finished getting a drink it goes flying!

She takes two naps a day, and they are usually pretty good ones.  About 2hrs each is what they have been, which is sooooo nice for me!  Sometimes though they are shorter, closer to an hour/hour and a half.  She goes to bed around 7:30pm at night, which is sometimes challenging since we don't always want to be home at that time.  But we make it work, and it is nice when we are home that Alec and I can have a good part of the evening free!

Brie does a lot of 'talking' and even more yelling!  She loves the sound of her voice and all the different noises she can make.  She uses her hand to do an 'indian call' (sorry....not very politically correct, didn't know how else to describe it!), and she does it loud!  She says the basics, mama, dada, baba; but not directed at the appropriate people.  She points a lot, which is super cute.  We just love her pointy finger, her favorite thing to point at is her farm book.

She has 4.5 teeth (one has just broken through), and she chews on everything.  In the first 48hrs of being able to pull up she completely chewed up one of the rails of her crib!  I have since put something on it to protect the crib....such a stinker!  We have had a few rough days/nights with teething.  Thank goodness for Tylenol and cold wash clothes!

She just had a doctors appointment a couple days ago (technically her 9mon appointment, but we got in late due to seeing a new doctor).  He still heard her heart murmur a little, so not totally closed yet.  She weighs 18lbs 9oz (50th percentile) and is 28in long (60th percentile).  Otherwise she checked out ok!

Brie is a happy baby and we just love watching her keep getting older.  I can hardly believe her birthday is in two months!  We love our little Breezy!

And here are the bloopers from our photo shoot this morning:

1 comment:

Jess and Brad said...

I LOVE LOVE the pictures! You are so blessed to have a mother-in-law that can do them for you! I love the one where she's holding her little hands together - precious! We miss you guys already! :)