Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Milwaukee Visit (Part 2)

Geez I am getting behind!!!  We have been so busy, so I will try and do some catch up!

After our great day at the zoo we had a fun get together at Brad and Jessie's house.  This was supposed to be the weekend that we went camping with all the adults, but due to a few changes that happened throughout the year we decided to do a stay-cation and just all hang out.  We had a fun evening of cooking out, chatting, playing bags, and having a fire.  It was so good to see everyone again.  Felt a little strange, we haven't been gone long enough to make it seem so strange to hang out with all these people, but then at the same time knowing we were heading back to Michigan and wouldn't see everyone for a while......it was just a weird feeling.

Erin and Brie are exactly a year apart, and Erin wanted to 'hold' the baby.  It was soooo cute, they kissed each other on they mouth....haha, and just kept looking at each other and laughing:

So fun hanging out with everyone!

Brie also had fun playing with Haddie and Connor!  Connor is 2 and a half, and Haddie is just 6wks younger than Brie.  

As part of our visit we were able to get together with our high school small group.  So good to see them all again.  We went to Kopps and had a fun time hanging out and catching up.  We miss them!

Monday night Alec was able to play softball with the Brookfield CRC team he was apart of last year. Brad is also on this team, so Jessie and I had fun bringing the babies to the game and watching our men play :) They didn't do so well, they lost big time......oh well though, they still had fun!  And Brie enjoyed watching them play.

After softball Monday night we brought the babies home and put them to bed and got a babysitter!  Then we went to one of our favorite Milwaukee restaurants, Parkside 23.  It was a fun night out with no kids!

We had Brie 'hold' Bennett, she just kept laughing and laughing!  We had to make sure she kept her hands to home though because she kept grabbing for his face!

Brie spent a lot of time in the car during the trip, and she did pretty good.  The ride down was not so great, she cried a lot and needed me to sit next to her the entire time (which did not help my tendency to get carsick...).

 It was a great visit to Milwaukee and we look forward to many more visits!

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