Saturday, August 10, 2013

Visitors from the distant land of Brookfield, WI

Alec and I were so excited to have our first visitors from the Milwaukee area!  Brad and Jessie came out for 5 days!  It worked out perfect that Brad at to work out of some near-by cities Wednesday/Thursday, so they could come for a long time!  We loved having them here and being able to spend tons of time with them.  We tried to give them a great Michigan experience, we had been talking to them about Michigan for the almost 5yrs that we lived in WI after all!

With Brad and Alec working, Jessie and I were mostly on baby duty.  It was fun to watch Brie try and 'play' with Bennett.  For some reason she just HAD to go for the eyes!  But Jessie and I were able to sneak away for a bit one of the days for a pedicure and farmers market visit.....much needed!

Some of the other highlights during our time together included:

  • Playing Ticket to Ride (a favorite game that Brad and Jessie introduced us to!).  There were a few tense moments: the first was Alec tried to make up rules and get away with it!  And the second was, I hate losing every single time so I was pouting...  Good thing we are such good friends with them they still like us despite our struggles with games :)
  • We had a non-city size fire, which of course was Alec's best memory of them here!  Always looking for an excuse to burn stuff....

  • We visited Calvin's campus.  We kept trying to tell Bennett this was his future school, his mom and dad weren't so sure though....  I have Brie and Bennett's future allllllll planned out!

  • Fulton Farmer's Market is always a favorite place of mine to go.  I go almost every week and stock up on produce.  If you live in the area and haven't gone, you need to change that!  So many great vendors and great prices.  Brie even loves going, so much to look at and she usually gets plenty of attention while she sits in the stroller!

Ate dinner at Rose's restaurant in East Grand Rapids, really good food!  Every time Alec and I have been there we can't decide what to order because there are so many good choices.  Unfortunately this time we did not have great service, I thought Jessie was going to punch the waiter, which he kind of deserved.  We did fill out a professionally worded comment card regarding said waiter though.   I think in the future we will be trying out another Gilmore collection restaurant.  

(While we were waiting to eat at Rose's, Alec fell asleep on the lawn!  He was even snoring!)

On their last full day in town we went out to Muskegon where my parents were camping to spend some time at the lake.  We had fun playing games, checking out the beach, and eating tons of food!

Bennett LOVED the whole day, he took two 2hr naps (pretty good for the 30min nap King!) and was just happy as a clam! Such a little stud!

Jessie and I are both still nursing, and ended up both having to feed the babies at the beach! Thank goodness for blankets and non-picky babies.  It was pretty funny though, still way easier than making and packing a bottle and having to worry about that!  Thankfully my mom was down at the beach too and was able to help tuck the blankets in a little since it was so windy.  

We had such a great time with them and were so happy to be able to show them where we live now! Can't wait to see them again soon!

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