We went to West Michigan last weekend for a few different reasons. It was a great trip, and we had so much fun being able to see friends and our family!
Reasons we went:
1). Kelsey Hendrick's my old roomate got married saturday morning, so we had the priviledge of attending their wedding.
2). To celebrate my birthday
3). My last weekend of christmas break
4). And probably most importantly to see our new nephew who was born January 9. Alec's sister Anne and her husband Rob had their third boy, his name is Will Ryan and he was just sweet as can be. I got tons of baby time during the weekend, and enjoyed every minute of it! Colin and Gage are so excited to be big brothers.
Alec thought he was cool because he could hold the baby and eat a sandwhich
In other recent news, Alec's same sister Anne and Rob, have been in the process of adopting a little boy from Haiti for the past 3yrs. It has been such a long process and we have been waiting patiently for him to be allowed to arrive to his new home in the US. Well with the recent events in Haiti we were wondering how this would affect their adoptive son (Cotter). We knew the process would probably move along faster, and then with the talk of them granting emergency US visas to these kids to get them to their families we got really excited. Well this afternoon we found out that he was granted the US visa and will be coming home as soon as transportation is figured out. Then this evening we found out that Anne and Rob are flying to Miami TOMORROW to pick him up, with 12 day old baby Will riding along.
We are just so excited to finially be able to meet Cotter, he is 4 and a half years old. So it is definitley going to be a huge adjustment for their family, espeicially since he does not speak english. God works in mysterious ways, and it took a huge earthquake to send Cotter home to his family. Right now Anne is scrabbling to get some clothing together for him as well as pack what she needs for her newborn baby to travel to Miami! So keep them in your prayers!
There are 2 videos on wood tv 8 website (local Grand Rapids news), one of which Anne talks. Rob is the one holding the baby in the background :)
Anne and Rob went to Haiti to sign some paper work, and meet their son