Monday, July 27, 2015

7 Year Anniversary

Alec and I celebrated our 7 year wedding anniversary!  Our anniversary was July 12, but we went out July 11 to celebrate.  We had a babysitter for the afternoon/evening and headed to Rockford to spend some time together.  We checked out some of the shops, went to Rockford Brewing Company, and then ate dinner at Red's on the River.  

It was a fabulous time out together.  We are so busy during the week and on the weekends; our work schedules make it so we don't get to spend a lot of evenings together.  So when we get to have time alone and away from home it is WONDERFUL!  

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Japanese Garden

Frederick Meijer Gardens added in a new area, a Japanese Garden.  I took the girls to go check it out, and it is absolutely beautiful!

Of course we first had to stop in the kids area and play with the boats :)

I thought the bonsai trees were so cool!

Zen style garden:

I think it is 6 acres, and I pushed the huge double stroller through all of it!  It was really fun.  Every time we go to the gardens I always think 'we need to do this more often!'  Easier said then done though!

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Leah 7 Months

Leah is now 7 months old, and acting older and older!  This is such a fun baby age; I forget that they practically do something new every week!

She is far more mobile than a month ago!  She army crawls pretty well; although really only does it when she has something that she REALLY wants to get at, usually something she isn't supposed to have.  Leah being mobile was not even on my radar, I am so not baby proofed. We put the gate up on the stairs a few days ago; so at least that is done.  She got a hold of an iPod the other day, she was slobbering all over it, I had to let it dry out before it would work again.  Leah sits up without toppling over now, I packed away the round boppy pillow.  She can't get to a sitting position by herself though, if she is on her belly she can roll, but not sit up.  Brie didn't start to crawl until 8.5 months, so I was so not prepared for Leah to start doing it at 6.5 months; who would have thought little passive baby would be a motivated mover!

She is eating 2 solid meals a day still.  I make her some baby cereal with some formula, and then add baby food to that.  She loves it!  Otherwise though formula is NOT accepted by Leah.  She even has a fit if Alec mixes in just a couple ounces of formula with breastmilk while I am working.  And forget it if you try to just have her drink straight formula; she clamps her mouth shut and tries to throw the bottle.  Stinker!  She nurses about 5-6 times in a 24hr period.  Leah gets very very excited when it is time to eat!  When she takes a bottle she usually takes about 5oz.  We give her puffs (little baby finger food things) while she sits in her high chair, she does great with them!  And it is an excellent way to keep her busy while I make dinner or cleaning up the kitchen.

Leah is still sleeping in our room for the most part.  She has slept in with Brie here and there and it has gone just fine.  The only thing I notice though when we do that is she has a really hard time going back to sleep when she wakes up in the night to eat.  So at that point she usually ends up in our room.  She goes to bed usually in the 8 o'clock neighborhood, then wakes up around 3am to eat and then up for the morning around 6:30am.  So no.....not the best sleeper.  The 6:30am wake up call is the WORST, way way way too early for me.  I don't mind getting up with her in the night, unless she doesn't go back down easy....that is frustrating.  She really likes her plug (pacifier) and has a little bunny lovey that we give her in her bed.  Leah rubs the lovey with her hands and up against her face as she is falling asleep.

She has started blowing raspberries on our arms; which is super cute....unless it is 3am and we have her in bed with us trying to get her to sleep!  Her other new thing is she purses her lips together and spits.  Also cute, unless she has a mouth full of food!

She is starting to look so different I think!  Her hair seems to be coming in blonde, and if she is out in the sun at all she gets a little tan (so different than little fair skinned Brie!).  No teeth yet for this little girl; she has been kind of an angrier baby recently so I wonder if something is going to happen soon. 

Leah doesn't really seem to like being outside, probably because anytime she is outside she is contained to a stroller or being carried.  She is happiest just to be on the floor with toys.  Since getting our floors re-done, we have far less carpet.  This has helped to contain her to one area since she can't move well on the hard floors.  She doesn't love this fact, but I do!  She does NOT like be left alone in a room; often times I tell Brie to go play in the same room Leah is in so she is happy.  Overall she is such a happy baby, she loves to smile and laugh!