Saturday, June 30, 2012

Beach Day

Alec and I had a RARE Saturday where I wasn't working and we were in town with nothing going on!  It was so so so wonderful.  We decided to head to the beach on this gorgeous day.  It was so relaxing just to sit in the sun and do nothing.  The water was freezing cold (numbing actually), but it got so warm sitting in the sun that I had no choice but to dip into the ice water!

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Oh HAPPY summer!

Alec and I went out for some lunch on a Sunday downtown.  It was fun to walk around with Josie downtown and then get some lunch at an outdoor restaurant that allows doggies! 

 Here are a couple pictures of our Josie:

Our brand-new grill we bought in March.....yeah it broke.  This is Alec cooking burgers on our camp grill when we had friends over and the new grill died half way.  Don't worry we returned it and have gotten a new/different one!

There is a quarry in Brookfield, you aren't exactly allowed to go there.  I guess it is technically trespassing, but oh well.  It is SO gorgeous.  And by the amount of beer cans and booze bottles we saw back there we aren't the only ones that have gone back there to check it out.  

Alec went to New Mexico with the youth group for a mission's trip.  They taught bible school at a local church and got to see the amazing sights of New Mexico!  He had a great week there, I was so bummed I couldn't go.  Right when all the commitment was happening for this trip I was starting my new job at the hospital, so I didn't feel right asking for a week off right off the bat.  

We finally repainted our bedroom (it was an awful blue color that we picked for some stupid reason back when we bought the house....).  We painted it a nice neutral color to match our NEW furniture!  We finally bought real big person furniture, we have arrived into the adult world.

Scholtens Weekend!

Anne (Alec's sister), Rob, and their four boys came to visit us for a Milwaukee weekend!  We used Rob's expertise to install a new shower upstairs, it looks great!  And an added bonus.....doesn't leak anymore!

This was my prep for the weekend, probably the fullest shopping cart I've ever had at Pick n' Save!

They came over on the Lake Express Ferry, it was a pretty rough ride on the ride over.  But they reported that the ride home was much smoother!

 We went to Culver's for dinner the night they arrived.  Here is a pic of all the boys, they sure love their Uncle Alec!

While Alec and Rob were working on the shower on Saturday, Anne and I took the boys to Discovery World.  It is like a children's museum but for older kids.  They really liked it!  We had a picnic lunch before going inside, it was SUCH a gorgeous day.

Cotter and Gage checking out the Great Lakes display:

The walk-through fish tank was super cool, they really like it!

All good things must come to an end :)