Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Crazy weather!

We've been having some CRAZY weather around here.  It was 48 degrees the day after Christmas!  Brie was running around outside playing with NO coat. 

Christmas Day

 For Christmas Day we didn't have any parties planned, so my parents came over to celebrate and my Grandparents.  We went to church in the morning, and then did a nice brunch for lunch afterwards.  It was a really nice relaxing day.  I enjoy any day that I have extra help around here :) 

Sisters!   (this is the best picture I got of the two of them....and of course the flash didn't go off and Leah looks like she is getting smothered)

She definitely got the hang of opening presents! 

My parents got her this adorable table and chairs and the little hutch behind it for Christmas.   She loves it!  The perfect place to sit and color and play play-dough. 


 Leah Joy is one lucky girl to have so many cousins!  Brie loves her cousins ('all my cuzzies' she says!); she looks forward to playing with them any chance she gets. 

Leah and Philip are only 3 weeks apart!  Although I am pretty sure she has already passed him in weight...  They are such different babies, I am SO curious to see what their 'kid' personalities are going to be!  I cannot wait until they are old enough to play together :)

This pic is a little crazy of Leah....but that's what you get when you are trying to take a picture of two babies!

Sarah and Jenna giving Leah some snuggles

Claire and Tia's turn!  Tia is just so cute with Leah; she can say her name really well and loves to 'hold' her!  

We love Grandpa and Grandma!

The week that Leah was born we had so much help from family it was amazing!  Bryant and Kaitlin came the night I went into the hospital and spent the night and majority of the next day with Brie.  And then Mike and Lauren took Brie the entire next day we were in the hospital. 

The best 'gift' we got I think though was that my parents came and stayed with us for a few days.  My dad took a couple days off work and my mom was here for almost an entire week helping out.  It was so amazing!  We were spoiled with cooking, cleaning, and childcare.  Brie was just LIVING it up with them here, she loved having so much attention and someone to always play with her.  "Grandma, come play with me"  "Grandma, come sit with me!"  She loves her Grandpa and Grandma! 

My dad got the girls matching pink Michigan shirts, hard to tell from this picture but they are all wearing them! Go Blue!

 Brie loves to color.  You will notice though that the entire box of crayons have no paper left on any crayons.  She went through a phase where she pealed everything!  She would sit on the floor forever just pealing all the paper off the crayons.  At first I tried to tell her no, but then realized it kept her busy for tons of time and decided to let it slide.  Pick and choose your battles.....that is especially true with Briana!  "I peal it" she says. So we are left with a box of nudey crayons.

 My mom loooooves giving babies baths!  Thankfully she works in a profession where she gets paid to do this :)

It was just amazing to have her and her knowledge here that week.  Because I left the hospital a day early, our insurance company called and said I qualified (insurance completely covers) to have an RN come 2 times to our house to check up on me and baby.  The nurse comes and does a full assessment of both mom and baby, can check blood levels for jaundice, weigh the baby, and is a certified lactation consultant!  I was seriously shocked that was a service provided just for leaving a day early.  I think it really speaks to just HOW expensive it is to be in the hospital; it is cheaper for them to send a nurse 2 times to your home than to stay one more night in the hospital.  But I had to tell the nurse no, because I really didn't need her since I had my own L&D/mom/baby nurse living with me for a week! Not to mention my mother-in-law and 2 sister-in-laws are all labor & delivery/mom/baby nurses.  I have tons of support and places to ask questions, and trust me I tap into their wisdom all the time!

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

DeLange Christmas

We started off our Christmas celebrations this year with the DeLange side a couple days before Christmas. Normally finding a date that none of the nurses are working is sooooo hard, but with both Emily and I on maternity leave it made things a little easier! 

Side note:  Having a baby right before the holidays for a nurse is definitely the way to go! I've only had to work one Christmas season in my 3yrs of being a nurse, I've been on maternity leave for 2 of them! 

We had a fun day with the DeLange crew. I felt a little zombie due to lack of sleep, and Brie's nap schedule was very lacking. But it was a fun day of celebration!

Leah meeting her big cuzzy, Gage, for the first time. He was so sweet with her! 

Brie giving a present to her little cousin Philip....while wearing her new Frozen backpack of course! 

The fearless leaders of this crazy group! Love you mom and dad!!

What to do with a baby who insists on sleeping allllllll day, take her pants off!

Only a dad of girls would feel confident enough to wear a Frozen backpack. 

Opening another present with her Auntie! 

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Leah Joy

Our precious baby girl arrived December 5, 2014.  5 glorious days before my due date :)  I cannot emphasize how thrilled I am that she was a few days early.  I was so uncomfortable and ready to be done being pregnant.

Leah's Birth Story:

It all started Tuesday (Dec. 2) when I had a doctors appointment; he checked me and said I was dilated 3cm.  After that appointment I had tons of contractions for the rest of that day and all day Wednesday.  I worked Wednesday afternoon; which surprisingly not that many patients/family members/other staff asked me about being pregnant and how I was feeling.  I think at this point I was just so pregnant and must have looked like I had just about had it no one dared asked how I was doing or was feeling.  Overall though the shift went fine; I was contracting the entire shift just like I had been the last 2 days, but nothing painful or regular.  I did think to myself though this was probably the start of the real thing.

39 weeks pregnant and off to work!  Don't mess with me...

Wednesday night after work I slept amazing; first time in probably 6 weeks.  I almost was bummed I slept so well, I was kind of hoping I would kick into real labor in the night.  Woke up the Thursday morning and almost right away started noticing 'different' feeling contractions.  These ones were more uncomfortable and far more regular.  I would sit and time them for a period of time and they would be very regular, but then would taper off.  I called Alec at work and gave him a heads up; I said I think it will be today but I don't know when...  I also called my brother, Bryant, and gave him a heads up; he and his wife, Kaitlin, were our childcare for when we will have to go in to the hospital. All day it was on and off consistent contractions.  Alec's sister, Lauren, came over and helped me clean and then took Brie to her house for a couple hours that afternoon.  I was able to nap for a short period of time thankfully.  After dinner I started timing contractions, and they were more painful than before and staying pretty consistent.  We figured we were probably going to be going in sometime that night so started prepping.  We put Brie to bed, showered, got some stuff together and then I decided I would sit down and time the contractions for 2 hours just to make sure.  So I sat in the rocker from 8pm-10pm timing contractions.  Alec sat with me and watched some TV.  Finally at 10pm I called the on-call doctor, he said sounds like I am in labor and to head to OB triage.  We called Bryant and Kaitlin next and had them head our way. 

We left for the hospital around 11pm.  I was so hoping to avoid an all night/over night labor but......oh well.  No sleep here we come!  From there it was pretty smooth sailing.  Arrived to OB triage around 11:30pm, confirmed that I was indeed in labor and making progress, and then up to labor and delivery around 1am.

About to head to the hospital:

In OB triage, at this point I was terrified they were going to make me go home....

I got my epidural around 3am (way better experience than getting my epidural with Brie, and a way way better epidural this time around!) and they broke my water right after that.  They did run pitocin for a short period of time to try and make the contractions I was having more intense; but that didn't really work so they turned it off after a couple hours.  After they turned off the pitocin the nurse checked to see what progress I was making (6am).  I was so surprised when she said the head was right there and I was complete at 10cm!  She went and paged the doctor, who arrived 10min later.  I pushed for 10min and there was Leah!  Born at 6:20am!
9lb 6oz & 21.5in 

Spectrum Health is considered 'baby friendly', apparently it is this new thing.  This includes putting the baby right on mama's stomach after birth, then doing skin to skin for 1 hour before doing anything else with the baby, nursing within the first hour, and not sending the baby to the nursery at night (rooming in).

I loved doing skin to skin right away, I wasn't able to do that with Brie because she was having some heart tone issues towards the end of delivery

I cannot emphasize how much smoother this delivery was (especially the pushing!) than Brie's!!  I pushed for almost 2hours with was brutal.  This was easy!  The epidural I had was perfect, I was pain free but could still feel pressure where to push and could even tell when I was having a contraction.  Amen for modern medicine!

Everyone in the delivery room couldn't get enough of her cheeks and how much hair she has!

We just feel so so so blessed that she is here and healthy and doing well.  We are all adjusting pretty well I'd say.  She loves to eat (gotta maintain that 9lb figure!), loooooves to be held (especially at night), and is just so precious.  We have been so blessed this past week with visitors, gifts, and food.  It is such a different experience this time around living in Michigan near all the family; I absolutely love it. 

Thursday, October 23, 2014

2 year doctor appointment

Brie had her 2 year doctor appointment a few days after her birthday. 

Weight: 29lbs --- 75th percentile
Height: 35.5in --- 90th percentile

She thought she was so cool standing on the big girl scale!  You will notice nigh-nigh is part of her hand in most pictures :)

 She did so great.  She let both the nurse and the doctor listen to her no problem.  She was hamming it up for the doctor.  He was very impressed with her speech.  He didn't hear any of the heart murmur she was born with, they haven't heard it since 15mon but still check.  He said it is a possibility that it comes back as she grows.  But he did not see any need for a follow up echo, and I agreed.  When she had her echo at 3mon old they said if the hole closed they would want to do a follow up echo when she was old enough to not need sedation.  But I agree with our pediatrician, unnecessary. 

She thought it was so cool she got to be naked in the office.  She kept saying 'naked!'

Brie did have to get 2 shots, the flue shot and Hep. A.  She got a sucker at the end of the appointment, she even got to pick out what color.  I let her have it in the car, and made her take it out and show me for a picture.  This is the face I got:

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Fall is Here

 Fall is the favorite season around here for sure!  Alec and I both love everything about fall. It certainly is looking and feeling like fall around here.  The two little pumpkins on the porch were grown in our garden, and the corn stalks are also from the garden.

We went to the farm stand down the street from us to pick out a pumpkin.  They have some goats, ponies, and ducks there as well.  Brie had fun, she didn't want to touch the animals though. 

Eating a sprinkle doughnut!

Brie's Birthday

 Brie was lucky enough to have her big day on a Saturday!  We started the morning by going to McDonald's for breakfast.  She loves the oatmeal there!

This picture is hilarious, Alec was helping her with bites of oatmeal and this is how she opened her mouth for every single bite.  We were laughing so much!

 That evening we had her birthday party at our house.  In traditional DeLange style we decided just to do a 'small' party of 35 people :)  It was a bit chaotic, but so much fun.  Brie loves all her family and did great!

Uncle Bryant and Auntie 'Cake'

Brie absolutely loves her cousins!

My camera on my phone was acting insane....the pictures are blurry.  But you get the idea.  

At first she would not touch the cake.  Finally she took a few bites of my Grandma's cake, so we sat her down to have her own.  And she of course proceeded to wolf it down, and in typical two year old fashion she ate all the frosting first. 

These pictures are from my mother-in-laws camera.  Brie has been picking her nose recently!  So gross, she will come up to you and say "a-booger".  

She had fun opening presents.  It was hard because she wanted to play with everything she opened, but we were trying to get her to open the next gift.  She got so much cute stuff! 

 I found this to die for mouse costume for her at the store a while back.  So we put it on her after presents for some more entertainment for the guests.  She loves it, she loves the tail!  She runs around saying "a-mouse costume!"  And if you ask her what the mouse says she will say "squeak squeak"