Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Thinking about solid food

We aren't officially starting solids yet, but just starting to practice and see how she does.  We have only tried twice now.  She doesn't really open her mouth, so you just have to shove it in or sneak it.  She did swallow some though (as evidenced by gross spit up later on...).  I think she enjoyed it though!  We tried oatmeal and applesauce.  The applesauce she didn't go for, but probably because it was cold.  I just made normal oatmeal, then put it in the baby food blender and added some milk to it.  That went better because it was nice and warm.  

I'm not sure when we will start making it part of the 'schedule' (I put that in quotes because who are we kidding, we still have no schedule!).  Probably closer to 6mon, right now we just do it when we need something to do :)

She loves to be held, although rarely likes to sit down and just snuggle.  She loves to be carried around.....which is cute, but a little annoying since I can't get anything done with one hand.  AND she isn't exactly little, it gets heavy lugging her all around!  This was a day she took TERRIBLE naps, so she was zombie baby and was actually ok with snuggling.  

She also started rolling over!  On February 19 (I'm putting the date in so I know exactly when, for looking back purposes).  She doesn't do it consistently, just when her arms are in the exact right spot.  She hasn't rolled back to front though, but has come close a few times.  All her limbs get in her way.

Brie got her first cold, that was not so fun.  I was so disappointed,  I thought breastfed kids weren't supposed to get sick!  She had a low grade fever one day, and snotty nose for over a week.  It just kept dragging on and on and she was SO fussy.  I did finally take her in thinking maybe it was her ears, but everything was clear.  She still isn't completely snot free, but close!

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

House for Sale!

Alec and I have been SUPER busy getting our house ready to sell, pretty much every moment we are home together (which doesn't seem to be all that often between meetings and me working evenings) we are organizing and getting stuff ready.  But we finally are finished and as of today our house is on the market!  No sign yet in the front yard, our Realtor ordered one and it takes a few days for it to arrive.  

The photographer came yesterday to take all the pictures of the house.  I think they turned out pretty good.  Hopefully a buyer thinks so too!  

Here are a few of the pictures:

The basement organization was the worst and took the longest!

Winter Life

Our lives as of recently have pretty much consisted of holing up in the house.  It's too cold to want to go outside and it's just so much work running around with a baby!  Pretty much the only time Briana leaves the house is to go to Shelly's house when I work and to church.  

 My mom sent Brie a Valentine and this book!  It took a few tries to get this picture, she kept trying to eat the book and the Valentine.

So I'm not sure if we are bad parents for this, but she LOVES to watch this Praise Baby DVD we have.  Its just this hokey DVD that plays praise songs and shoes animals and babies and random images.  She can be in the fussiest mood, put her in front of this and poof she's fine!  

She also likes to sit in her exersaucer.  She has the Sophie the giraffe toy and loves chewing on the legs, I would highly recommend this toy!  It is by far her favorite, she has the smaller one too that has 2 handles and also loves that one. 

Then there is Josie.  Josie is suffering from cabin fever, its too cold to play outside and everyone has the winter laziness here.  She loves her toys, including this stuffed bunny that she chews on.  

Despite our attempts to keep her from all the nasty germs of the world Brie got a cold.  Actually she still has some of it lingering.  Snotty nose is pretty much her only symptom, and she was SUPER fussy.  Only wanted to be held and walked around with, otherwise she cried.  Poor little babe.  We did have some good cuddle sessions though.

One evening we went to our favorite Mexican restaurant.  I tried desperately to get a picture, but she could not keep her eyes of the fountain they have there.

 All ready for bed!  We still half swaddle her in her special blanket, she always works her arms out though and usually sleeps with them above her head.

A friend from work got me this nurse shirt for my baby shower.  Brie certainly has plenty of nurses in her life, and as each of us will confirm....nurses rock!

Monday, February 4, 2013

4 Months

Little Brie is now 4 months old!  

She is becoming such a little person, we love it!  She is doing really great.  She loves to have attention, and let you know if she wants you to come back into the room.  She loves to be held and talked too.  

Eating: She nurses 7 (ish) times a day. One of those is usually in the middle of the night. But for the most part she eats every 3hrs.  Solid food isn't really on our radar yet, I don't think we will start that until 6mon.  She loves to cuddle up with mama though and eat, her little busy hands are all over the place, she plays with my clothes, zippers, buttons, whatever she can get her hands on!  

Sleeping: Brie goes to bed around 7:30/8p, usually wakes up around 1:30a-3a to eat, then back down easily.  She has been waking up around 5:30am....NOT good.  We usually let her fuss for a little bit and she falls back asleep for another hour or so.  

New things:  For a while now she has been putting her in hands in her mouth constantly.  Just recently though she has been sucking her thumb.  She still takes the pipe at night and for naps, but when she is just hanging out her little thumb finds its way into her mouth.  Lots of drooling.  We wear bibs ALL the time.  People keep telling me to check for teeth, but there aren't any in there.  Just a lot of slobber.  

She definitely has an opinion, she doesn't let us miss a feeding and doesn't hesitate to let us know she is ready for a nap.

She is just so fun!  Alec and I love her so much and can't believe she is ours!