Wednesday, September 19, 2012

6 East Baby Shower

My work was awesome enough to throw me and another girl at work a baby shower.  Lisa and I are 5wks apart, she is due Nov. 4 with a little boy!  We had to sneak in the baby shower at shift change since Lisa works day shift and I am now working pm shift.  So it was a bit disjointed as we were answering phone calls in between opening presents and I was trying to get report on my patients, but it went great!  Of course in true nurse fashion we had tons of great food everyone brought, nurses loooooove to eat......  Everyone was so generous and baby girl got tons more adorable outfits and fun presents!

Friday, September 14, 2012

Baby Room

Our baby girl's room is finally complete.  I feel like I still need something on the wall over the crib, but it looks great overall.  The little white bookcase is from my Grandma Weyburne's house so that is special since her house has since sold and she now lives in assisted living.  Everything else is either gifts or something Alec and I purchased.  The pink frames on the wall above the dresser/changer are an idea I got online.  I purchased numerous different frames (different sizes and textures) at Goodwill and Alec sanded and painted them all pink.  I think they turned out great and are a simple yet unique touch to the room.  I really like how the room turned out overall and I'm excited to add one more thing, our baby!  

I've been feeling good still.  Today was my last day shift at work. As of now I am part time and will be working the pm shift (3p-11:30p).  That will be a big change for both Alec and I to have me gone in the afternoons/evenings.  But I am really looking forward to the change and it will only be for a couple weeks until baby girl arrives, that is the shift I am going back to as well after maternity leave.  It is so exciting that we are so close to baby time, yet at the same time it feels like it is so far away.  Its weird to think that it could be tomorrow or it could be another few weeks!

Monday, September 10, 2012

Maternity Pictures

Alec and I (and baby girl) got maternity pictures done yesterday (September 9).  I met a lady that does photography as a hobby, although really it is more than a hobby now for her since she is always so busy with it!  She is actually a nurse that started doing this for fun and it took off!  It was a challenging day to shoot pictures because it was SO windy, so I wasn't super pleased with my hair going all over the place and getting super frizzy.  Oh well....what can you do.  We just got a few sneak peak shots, we'll get the whole batch of them in a few weeks.  But she did a great job!

Baby Showers!

WI Friends Baby Shower:

I have the best friends who threw me such an amazing shower here in Milwaukee.  It was so fun having everyone get together.   I had a few friends from work, some of the girls from nursing school, the mom and girls from the family I used to babysit for, and lots of girls from church.  It was SUCH a lovely evening.  The theme was Tickled Pink, and every detail was just perfect.  They thought of everything!  And everyone was so generous, baby girl got tons of presents and is good to go!  I felt so special and realized how blessed I am to have met such amazing people in the now FOUR years that we have lived here :)

Alec's Work Baby Shower:

Many weeks ago one of the girls from the office at Alec's work contacted me and said they want to throw Alec a surprise baby shower at work one day.  So we planned a date, my job was to keep him in town (he tends to make travel plans last minute!) and set up a 'lunch date' with him.  I tried to be casual about setting up lunch plans with him, just saying I was off work this day and I thought it would be fun to meet up for lunch since we never do!  Well sure enough less than  a week before the party he says "I think I need to go to the MI offices next week, so I am going to plan that trip"  Uhhhh.....NO!  haha, I just told him it was a bad week and it didn't work.  He didn't question that, probably didn't want to anger the very pregnant lady.  So we were able to surprise him, they did it in their conference room, it was perfect!  It was a lot of fun, and he had fun being the one to open the gifts and get most of the attention :)