Friday, August 3, 2012

More Summer Updates

We continue to enjoy our summer, despite being constantly busy!  It has sure been a hot summer, which is exceptionally enjoyable when you are pregnant.....not.  But we have been having a great summer so far!

Our friends Preston and Jennifer's dog, Sophie, had her puppies just a couple weeks ago.  This is a picture of them just a few hours after they were born.  There are 9 puppies total, 5 of them are already spoken for!  They still have 4 more looking for a good home.  So cute though, we have already been to see them again and they are starting to open their eyes already.  They certainly are going to have their hands full when the puppies are walking around and more active!

Here is a random picture I took on my cell phone at work, its a bad picture but you can look out at the horizon and see a water funnel over Lake MI.  I took it from a patient room at work.  It was very cool!

The last weekend of July our friends Brad and Becky Jansen who moved to Dearborn, MI a year ago from Milwaukee came for a weekend visit!  They now have a 10mon old little boy, Stephen, he is just SO cute and so fun!  He absolutely LOVED Josie, he would crawl after her and constantly keep his eyes on her.  He would just laugh and laugh at her, he did get a few nasty doggie kisses in the face but he didn't seem to mind at all.  He would give a surprised look and continue laughing, too cute. 

Josie was so intrigued by Steve in the bathtub, she almost even jumped with him a couple times!

Josie just had her annual appointment at the vet, poor doggie hates going.  She behaves very well at the vet, she lets him do everything.  She just looks very sad the entire time and tried to stay as close to me as possible.  She had to get a bunch of vaccines, and just like a kid she slept the entire rest of the day after getting her shots.

Exciting things in baby land, we are moving right along with getting the nursery ready.  The furniture we ordered arrived this week and Alec spent a significant amount of time putting it together.  'Some assembly required' really means a LOT of assembly required! The room is coming together really nice, I'll share pictures of it once it is more complete. 
 We did have to make sure the crib was able to withstand 19lbs, Josie was less than trilled that we put her in there. 

 Our garden has been doing great this year.  It has been a constant battle with the heat and even worse.....the bunnies!  Oh those rabbits are testing our patience....they have chewed threw the fence we put up and are attacking our beans. 

 Thankfully though we have still had a great harvest so far! 

This picture (taken 8/3) marks 31.5 week pregnant.  Can't believe we are in single digits for the count down.  Overall I am feeling great; battling swollen feet and hands though (I can't wear my rings anymore....); back pain; and just feeling a little bit like I can't move around all that easy!  But still able to work with no problems, just have to watch out because I tend to bump into things with my big belly.

Here is another picture of Josie, she LOVES her tennis ball.  We stand on the deck and just throw it over and over for her, she is great about bringing it back up and putting it right between your feet for you to throw again.  After a bunch of throws though she is panting so hard and her little pink bacon tongue just hangs all the way out, such a weirdo. 

Well that is our summer thus far.  We are looking forward to camping with the DeKruyter family coming up in August.  Also I have 2 baby showers in August (one in MI and one is WI).  I will be sure to update when I have more pictures!