Monday, April 21, 2014

A Very Happy Easter

We had a great Easter weekend in Dearborn. We spent time with the DeKruyter family and had fun playing games, enjoying the beautiful weather, and eating great food. 

All the boys randomly ended up wearing the same thing! They didn't plan it at all, too funny. 

Brie got two Easter baskets! One from Alec and I and another from my parents. She loved all the treats she was getting. Her Easter basket had animal crackers, granola bars, and raisenets. Although some how she always had a jelly bean in her mouth.....  

She had so much fun outside. We took her church shoes off and put her tennis shoes on! She didn't want us to change her outfit yet so this was the compromise. 

Of course all us kids got Easter baskets as well, full of candy and a chocolate bunny :) It was a great weekend! 

Monday, April 14, 2014

Saying goodbye to my Grandma

My Grandma died Saturday night.  She was such a special lady and I have so many great memories of her. 

She had Alzheimer's for 7years, it is a nasty disease that I truly hope and pray they find a cure/treatment for someday.  She has been living in an assisted living facility for the last few years, which has been great for her.  They were able to meet her needs and keep her in a safe environment.  She had been having some increased confusion and was becoming more lethargic recently.  They took her into the ER after no improvement.  She was found to have a bladder infection, they started her on IV antibiotics right away.  She never really regained responsiveness though and continued to decline.  My sister and I went and spent the day at the hospital with my mom on Friday.  We met with the hospice team then and decided to go with hospice care for Grandma.  I have had my fair share of experience with hospice at work, and know that the first question the family asks is how long will it be?  They gave us the typical answer of anywhere from hours, to days, to weeks.  Well she passed away Saturday night, after being on hospice care for just over 24hrs.  I think her brain was fed up with the Alzheimer's disease and was ready to be healthy again in heaven. 

My Grandma had 6 kids (wow....I sometimes feel like I am barely hanging on with ONE!).  Her oldest kid died though when she was only 14yrs old of leukemia.  My mom was 7 at the time, and does remember some things from then.  Grandma was very pregnant with her 6th baby at the time of Marianne's death.  I can not even begin to imagine going through that as a mother.  So my mom grew up with four brothers....not much dress up and baby doll playing for her! 

Another special thing is I have a very cool connection to my Grandma, we share the same middle name.  It is also the same middle name of my mom and my daughter.  So there are 4 generations with the middle name of Louise.  Very special! 

She loved babies.  I remember when I took this picture, afterwards I said "ok Grandma, its time to go eat, let's go sit down"  And she says, "Oh, I'm ok, I just want to hold the baby"  I can't believe how little Briana is here, I feel like I hardly remember her that small.  She was about 6wks old.  

Some fun memories I have of Grandma:

  • She ALWAYS had her nails done, she went and got them done often and they were always perfect.  I remember she had her nail lady's business card by the phone!
  • I can hardly believe I remember this since I was only 5, but I do!  My mom had gone into the hospital to have Allyson, and I woke up and saw Grandma sitting on the couch.  And then I remember after Allyson was born and they called to tell us, none of us could remember her name on the way to the hospital! 
  • Her house was a gold mine for treasure.  We played with tons of old toys (including my mom's old barbies, which ended up at our house....which then ended up headless I believe) and all sorts of other cool stuff.  
  • She loved dogs, and always bought our family dog (Brandy) treats.
  • She was a quiet lady, which obviously none of us four kids or my cousins inherited..... But even before she lost her memory she would just sit back and enjoy everyone talking and would laugh at all the commotion. 
I know she is in a much better place now, but we will miss her dearly.  I rejoice knowing she is now able to be with her daughter and husband and our Heavenly Father.

Fredrick Meijer Gardens

We took advantage of a nice day and headed to Fredrick Meijer Gardens.  The butterflies are out, there is lots to walk around and go see, and there is a great kids section.  I actually just ended up getting a membership, if we go 3 more times this year it more than pays for it so I thought that would be fun to have the option to go do!  Brie seriously could not get enough of it.  The kid section is almost a little old for her I thought, but no way she LOVED it.  I don't even know why I brought the stroller, she was all over the place. 

The had a cute little olden days cabin, and of course she found the babies right away and loved them.  "Bebe, bebe, bebe" 

The kid section had this little door for the kids to enter and exit through, she could not get enough of it.  In and out over and over!

Apparently she isn't a huge fan of Fred and Lena Meijer.....

She ran ALL the way up that hill after Allyson!  And then proceeded to run down, which we promptly intercepted.....that would have ended poorly. 

So if anyone in the GR area wants to go, I have a membership and can take 2 additional adults! 

Finally some spring like weather!

 March 5:  TONS of snow of the ground still and super super cold.  No signs of spring.

Thankfully the end of March gave us a few decent days that started melting the snow and allowing us to play outside for a change!  Brie loves it, and so do I.  It was a long long winter being cooped up in the house all the time.  We tried to get out here and there, but many days we were just inside alllllll day long.  

Now of course the forecast for tomorrow is 38 with an inch of snow......but we have faith spring will be back again soon!!

DeLange hotel weekend

We got the whole DeLange crew together (all 28 people!) for a fun hotel weekend.  We just went to a local hotel in Grand Rapids, and it was perfect.  We did a lot of swimming, playing games, eating pizza and chipotle, and just spending some good quality time together.  It was all in celebration of mom's 60th birthday!  It was a fun weekend and I was so glad we were all able to get together to celebrate.  On Sunday we had everyone come back to our house for birthday lunch. 

18 months old

Well we definitely have a toddler! Brie is full of personality and is becoming a little person. It is so fun to watch her grow up and develop her little (well, actually not so little) personality.

She understands just about everything it seems like. She does a lot of 'talking'. She tries to say most words you ask her too, and says many words well. Some of her favorite words are: no, Elmo, Osky (Oscar), Mama, Dada, shoe-shoe (shoes), go-go (dog), yes, ball, and bebe (baby). She is constantly jabbering. 

She plays really well, often times by herself too! It is not uncommon for me to be in the kitchen and her playing in our rec room by herself. I love it. I love she has a huge independent streak to her. She definitely is a spirited child. She has no need or desire to stay near us in public places, if you let her go she is out of there and off to explore. I may need a leash for her....... She has been very into playing with her toy kitchen recently. She puts things in the cups and pots and stirs them. Brie also loves to play with her babies. She feeds them and gives them kisses all the time. 

It has been great being able to play outside more! She loves this pink Hello Kitty ball I got her. She basically plays fetch with herself. Otherwise she just toddles all over creation, pushes her lawn mower, or tries to throw the tennis ball for Josie. I can't wait until I have more to do outside, like hang laundry and work in the garden.  She's asks to go outside allllll the time, "ou-side?!" And she'll just scream it louder and louder if you say no. She's definitely a girl that knows what she wants!

Still not a great eater. But I've also become more flexible (aka gave up) with what she eats. So what if she only eats graham crackers, yogurt, applesauce, and cheese sticks. She's doing well and is for the most part healthy, so we must be doing something right. She is about 25lbs, her appointment is this week so I'll know more where she falls on the growth curve then. She drinks milk 3x a day from a sippy cup with a soft top (kind of like a bottle). Her milk has to still be warmed up in order for her to drink it, I've tried giving it to her cold but she just takes one sip then hands you the cup and says "here go". Oh well, someday we will break this habit. She loves having a 'nack' (snack), which is kind of a DeKruyter thing, to not eat big meals and graze all day long. She still drinks the smoothies I make her, which makes me feel better about her lack of other nutrient rich foods. 

Brie goes back and forth between two naps a day and one nap. Just depends on the day and what her needs are. I almost prefer the two nap because then we can go away mid day and not be stuck at home while she sleeps. She will sometimes nap from 10-12ish and then take a snooze late afternoon. But it's nice because we can go out right after lunch and do stuff. I am not a get ready and go in the morning person, so we rarely are ready to go anywhere before 10/11am. She sleeps great at night still. She love love loves her crib, when she wakes up from night or naps she usually hangs out in there for 15-30min! Just happy as can be, does not want to be gotten yet. She'll call for me when she is ready.  "MAMA!"

Her mood flips like a light switch. One second she'll be playing nice and happy, the next she is throwing herself to the ground screaming. She does NOT like when she doesn't get her way, and it honestly can affect her mood for a few hours afterwards. Oye. She is getting less easy to distract, I think she's catching on to my tricks! 

Alec and I are both really enjoying this stage though. She's so fun and interactive. She points to things when we read books, she understands so much of what we tell her, and she is starting to communicate with us more and more.  It's like having a real live person here with us! We love her so much and are so thankful for our big girl.