Tuesday, November 6, 2012

1 Month Old

Briana is 1 month old!  Hard to believe she has been here for a month already, but at the same time it seems like she has been here for a long time!

She had her 1mon doctor appointment today.  She is now 10lb 2oz, and 23in long!  She still has a heart murmur that she was born with, but no concern at this point.  We will continue to monitor it and probably do an echo in a couple months.  A heart murmur is a common problem, often times they close on their own but sometimes people just live with benign murmurs their entire life.  So we will see, I am trying not to freak out about it and stay positive.  Its just hard since I work on a cardiac unit and know too much!  But I'm staying positive and know God is taking care of little Brie :)

She has been doing some longer sleep stretches at night recently (6-7hrs), but not every night.  She also takes a 3-4hr nap most afternoons, which is awesome!  She eats about every 2hrs when she is awake.  I wouldn't say we are on a schedule yet but we are definitely getting into a pattern and close to a schedule maybe?!  

We are looking forward to our first trip to Michigan since she has been born.  We are going for the entire week of thanksgiving week, with half the week spent in Dearborn and the other half in Grant.  There are so many people that are excited to met Brie and we are so excited to show her off!

Today all 3 of us woke up early and went to vote!  Alec wanted to get it done before work, and I figured lets just all go and get it done with.  We did have to wait outside for 15min before they opened the doors at 7am and it was chilly!  I had Briana in the baby Bjorn and she had a snow suit on and then I had a big coat zipped up over both of us.  She was plenty warm!