Monday, March 31, 2014

I'm going to be an Aunt...again!

Well in true DeLange form it wouldn't be a complete year without another DeLange baby on its way!  Alec's sister, Emily, and her hubby, Mark, are expecting their first baby early November. We are so excited for them and can't wait to meet their little baby! 

Mark is a huge Tigers fan, so this is how they announced their pregnancy! 

This will be the 12th grandchild for the DeLange family! I joked when my nephew Ethan was born that soon there will be enough DeLanges to take over the world.....but seriously! This takes the immediate family count to 28 people. And that will just continue to grow I'm sure, between weddings and more kids! I love being a part of it and I love that we live close! 

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Swimming Lessons

I was actually able to take a few pictures of Brie at swimming lessons today since I am technically still not supposed to submerge my incisions in water yet. Alec worked from home this morning and was able to take her for her lesson. 

She is doing pretty well, still not super comfortable in water and doesn't close her mouth when she goes under water. But we are getting there, and it's better from where we started! There are 4-5 other kids in her class and she's definitely the bottom of her class skills wise (haha, sorry Brie but it's true!). She's enjoying it though and loves playing with all the different pool toys and floaties they have! Hopefully she will continue to improve and gain confidence in the water.

(The pictures aren't great because it was through a glass wall, but you get the idea)

She had just had a turn in the boat and was pointing emphatically at it saying "MOE MOE MOE!!"  (translation = more). 

Going under water!

Wednesday, March 19, 2014


Lately Brie has been OBSESSED with Elmo. I swear she doesn't watch it very often on tv! I let her watch maybe once a day, usually while I take a shower.  So it isn't even a full episode she watches! She asks for Elmo allllll day long, it's honestly a little annoying. "Elma? Elma?" All day every day. 

So I had to think of something else besides always saying no, and her getting mad. So I bought her Elmo flash cards and an Elmo doll. So now when she asks for Elmo I offer her the Elmo doll or we go through the shape/color flash cards. 

(Pardon the snotty nose...a recent development, first time sick this winter though!)

Well, she still asks for Elmo all the time, and doesn't really care much about the doll. But at least I tired to do something creative?! 

I did find a hokey Elmo shirt at meijer on clearance. She loves that, she points to Elmo while wearing it. 

Saturday, March 15, 2014

The Tale of the Appendix

I had big plans for Wednesday, March 12!  Brie and I were going to head to Alec's sister, Anne's, house for the first part of the day to celebrate his mom's birthday.  Then that night we were going to be hosting bible study at our house, with the new church we have recently started attending in the last couple weeks.  Well....that all changed super fast when my appendix decided to become infected! 

It all started Tuesday night, I went to Allyson's food tasting for the wedding with her.  Afterwards we were leaving there to go and get a drink together and talk wedding, I said to her, "Man, I kind of have 'gut rot'"  I had almost a heartburn sensation right above my naval, common for me though.  I just figured I had eaten too much or something wasn't sitting right.  We went out and got a drink, I felt totally fine the entire time.  I came home and talked with Mike and Lauren, my brother and sister in law that babysat Brie for the evening since both Alec and Mike (who lives with us) were in Wisconsin for work. I was feeling a little 'ick', but after they left I took some stomach medicine (Tums and Zantac).  It was now about 10:30/11pm; I was in bed and called Alec to say goodnight to him.  While on the phone with him I really started getting uncomfortable, I even said to him "I don't know how I am going to sleep through this, my stomach REALLY is hurting"  At this point I was still figuring it was just some gut problems I was having.  We even joked how the food we were going to be having for the wedding gave me a stomach ache....oh great! 

Well I just figured I would try and go to sleep and it'll go away.  I could not get comfortable, and the pain was just getting worse.  Finally around 12:30a I got up and threw up; I threw up again around 1:30 and 2:15.  It was after the 3rd time I was laying in bed wondering why oh why I was getting NO relief from the pain after I threw up.  At this point I have not slept a wink, was so uncomfortable, and was just laying in bed imagine all the awful things that could possible be wrong with me.  Laying on my back I was pushing my hands on my abdomen to try and relieve some of the pain; I realized I had almost no pain on the left side and could barely even touch the right side.  I laid there and thought about this fact and immediately thought "OH CRAP! I know very well what this could be....."  So like any normal person would do, I grabbed my phone and immediately googled appendicitis.  Sure enough I met like 5 out of the 6 bullet points of symptoms on WebMD.  I called Alec, who had said to keep him posted if I was feeling worse, and told him I think this may be appendicitis.  I decided I needed to call someone more qualified and called Alec's mom, thank heavens she answered right away (2:30am).  I told her what was going on and she definitely thought it was appendicitis. At this point though my adrenaline was going (which can mask pain) and so then I started panicking that I was making this all up and I was being dramatic.  She assured me if I was unable to sleep through the pain it was bad. We realized though we still needed more people involved since I was home alone with Brie.  I got a hold of my brother, Bryant.  Again, so thankful he answered his phone at like 2:30am!  He and his wife, Kaitlin, were more than willing to jump up and come over and help.  The roads were terrible with snow, so it took them a long time to get here.  At this point I was in TONS of pain.  They arrived and Kaitlin stayed at the house and Bryant took me to the hospital.  Oh. My. Word.  That was a loooooong drive; I struggled the entire way there.  My poor brother.....I was literally writhing in pain while in the car and at some point my hands/arms went numb in response to the pain.  I will say without a shred of doubt in my mind it was more pain than being in labor was for me. 

We arrived to the ER the same time as my mother-in-law, around 4am.  She said she knew it was us pulling in because we just ROARED up to the front entrance and he threw it in park.  I actually felt a little better just being at the hospital knowing we were where we needed to be and we could figure it out from here.  I slowly got feeling back in my hands and my pain level came down from a 10/10 to probably a 7/10.  From there we got all checked in, got the IV in me, started fluids, and talked to the doctor.  I did have to ask after a little bit if I could get some pain meds, it got really bad again and we had to wait a while for the nurse to bring my something......grrrrrr.  I needed IV pain meds about every hour before I ended up having surgery just to give you an idea of what type of pain I was in!  They did an CT with contrast which is what confirmed the appendicitis. I finally went into surgery around 11:30am I believe, so we had to do a lot of waiting around. 

Alec was traveling back from WI the entire time this was going on, the roads were awful for him as well.  He actually arrived to the hospital just as I was getting out of surgery, so he was able to come see me in the PACU (room you go to right after surgery) afterwards.  I was a little loopy post anesthesia, I guess I announced to him like 5 times I had to pee in a bedpan :)  This was a new experience for me and I was proud!  I just kept saying after surgery how much better I felt, I was so glad they were able to get that evil thing out of me with no issue!  They surgery was performed laparoscopically; I have 3 small incisions on my abdomen.  They took me up to my room and admitted me under observation (patients that stay less than 24hrs), around 1pm.  As long as my pain was controlled and I was able to eat something ok they said I could go home that evening.  And that was no problem, I was discharged around 6pm. 

I cannot emphasize enough how thankful I am for all the family that helped me through this.  My mother-in-law stayed at the hospital with me ALL day, from 4am-2pm....and she only got like 1.5hrs of sleep before coming!  Bryant and Kaitlin stayed with Brie all day pretty much while I was in the hospital.  Alec's sister, Lauren, was able come over for the later afternoon and be there until we got home.  And then my mom came the next day and was such a huge help with taking care of Brie, doing laundry, and making us some food.  Alec and I fully recognize how blessed we are to be surrounded by such loving and caring family!

My recovery is going well.  I have a 20lb weight restriction, which Brie is far more than 20lbs. So it has been hard not lifting her up, but by Monday the surgeon said I can lift her up very occasionally (into bed and high chair basically) if I lift properly.   I haven't been taking the narcotic pain meds anymore, just motrin and tylenol, and that has controlled my pain well.  Taking it easy the next couple days though for sure, don't want to push it and set myself back.  I am off work for 2wks, my manager has been so great about it all and even called me to check in and see how I was doing!

That was a long post, sorry! But I wanted to write it all down to keep track of it and be able to look back on it someday!  Here are a few pictures my mother-in-law took while at the hospital:

This is when we were just getting settled in, lots and lots of pain. 

On my way to CT to try and get some answers as to what is going on!

Finally, after a few rounds of IV Dilaudid I was able to sleep for a little bit.

Getting the full surgical experience with the special heated blanket!

This is my surgeon, Dr. Foster, he was explaining what they were going to do.  I was having a lot of pain and nausea at this point and honestly didn't care.  I think I actually said to him "just get this thing out of me"

Right after surgery, still in the PACU.  Finally Alec is with me!

Saturday, March 8, 2014


Alec and I had the opportunity to go to Tucson, AZ for a trip with his work.  Each year Maytag puts on a conference for their commercial laundry distributors to attend.  So Alec and myself along with the owner of the company and his wife attended the conference. 

It started Thursday evening, but we arrived Wednesday evening.  We drove to Dearborn where we dropped Brie off at my parents house for the 4 nights (that was full of mixed emotions for me!) and then flew from Detroit to Phoenix.  I have some cousins that live in Phoenix, we were able to meet them for dinner which was so fun because we had not seen each other in so long!  From there we drove about 2hrs to Tucson to the resort we were staying at. 

We stayed at the JW Marriott Starr Pass resort, it was absolutely beautiful.  The setting around the resort was just gorgeous; saguaro cacti everywhere.  We went on a couple walks and checked out the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum.  It was amazing to walk around in shorts and a tee shirt in 80 degree temps.  I have never been on vacation somewhere warm during the winter, it was so bizarre to be sitting by the pool knowing what the weather was like back home. 

During the day Alec had to attend meetings; but I was able to spend time by the pool, go out to lunch at the resort, and take naps.  I was a little worried how I would do with so much alone time, but I adjusted just fine :)  Each afternoon we were delivered an invitation to dinner and the evening event.  Maytag did an amazing job the entire weekend, it was great!  The food was a.m.a.z.i.n.g!  One of the days wasn't such great weather, it was 65 and rainy.  Unfortunately this was the golf day, most people did not finish all 18 holes.  Alec made it to hole 15 I do believe before the weather really picked up and they had to call it quits. 

Brie did GREAT at my parents house, and we are SO thankful they were willing to watch her for a few days.  I missed her like crazy though and was very ready to go home come Sunday.  

We arrived to the resort late Wednesday night; this is what we drove up too, the picture doesn't do it justice. 

This was the view from our balcony. 

Overlooking one of the pools:

Ready to PowerUp with Maytag!

 Getting some vitamin D :)

Posing with a cactus, they were seriously everywhere!  We learned a lot about them, they don't even begin to grow arms until they are 75 years old! 

No such thing as a true vacation for Alec, always always working.  

At the museum, we were looking at some things posted on the walls and the guide says to us in a very calm tone "I am going to be taking a snake out of this box now, just in case that bothers you"   Yes, yes it does bother me, thank you for the warning!  

 Sitting in the warm sun felt absolutely amazing.

A few of the golfers drying off and saying how crazy the weather was.....needless to say golf was not a huge success:

Our last night party: 
 They had a live band the last night for entertainment that you could sing karaoke with if you chose too.....we did not: 

Dancing with our glow sticks! 

They had a caricature artist, our picture did not turn out great I didn't think.  It really looked nothing like us.  And the guy doing it was SOOO grouchy, it was weird. 

We had a great time on our first 'vacation' away from Brie and first time away together like that since our honeymoon!