Wednesday, February 24, 2010

My Ridiculous Day

I just thought I would quick share this. It was one of those days that I felt like I should be on a reality TV show, because what else in the world could have gone wrong! My friend emailed me and asked how I was......this is the response I gave her back......she probably regretted asking :)

I know I am kind of a complainer sometimes, but this is just so bad its funny almost:

1. Alec is gone in MI for the week(enough said on that, that always throws me off)
2. Last night I was doing homework on my computer, and all the sudden it gets a huge virus and goes nuts. I thought I had lost all my files and pictures, so I was freaking out (hard to imagine, I know).
3. Wake up super early and got to school by 6:45am to finish an assignment and study for my 8am test.
4. Took test, didn't do as well as I wanted......ugh. I still did fine on it, just not as good as I wanted. So that really set my mood.
5. Feeling sorry for myself after classes, I stop at McDonald's to get a Shamrock milk shake (my absolute favorite!), the man at the drive through informed me their ice-cream machine was broken..........could have shot someone at this point. Thankfully another McDonald's was able to meet my needs.
6. Get home in the evening finally, and called Dell about my virus infected laptop. Was on the phone with them for over 2hrs, and a lot of $$$ later the problem is 'solved'
7. Get back on my computer a few hours later, and guess who is back.....the VIRUS!
8. Back on the phone with Dell, and now its fixed.......hopefully.

Well that was my monday evening/tuesday. Thankfully today was much much better.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

A bit behind.....what else is new

I know, I know.....I am behind on my blog. Basically I am behind on everything in my life I feel like, EXCEPT for school! haha, I have been loving my classes and have even gotten A's on my tests thus far! I am so excited to start clinicals next monday (2/22), I am really looking forward to being back in the hospital. I miss my previous job a lot of the time working in the hospital, so I am just itching to get back to it especially now doing it from a nursing perspective. Basically school is going great, keeping up with laundry, cleaning, and my social life......a bit behind. Oh well, something had to give. You know when you go to your dresser and there is no more clean underwear in your draw you haven't done laundry in a while! Alec is awesome though with helping get that kind of stuff done. We make a great team :)

Last weekend we were in Grant, MI for the weekend. We were finally able to meet our new nephew Cotter Francky. It was so much fun finally seeing him after so many months and even years waiting for him to arrive. Anne and Rob are slowly adjusting to the whirlwind that hit their house, with having a new baby and getting a non-English speaking 4.5yr old in less than two weeks they have a lot of chaos at times, but are taking it all in and rolling with it. Cotter will learn english soon enough and is quickly figuring out that he has an instant family that loves and cares for him, and everything else that comes with that including do NOT mess with your brothers special things and how fun it is to wrestle with daddy and brothers.

We are going to Grant again March 12-14 for all the DeLange March birthdays and will be able to spend lots of time with all our nieces and nephews. We are also looking forward to (even though it is a long ways away) but for Easter weekend my whole family is coming this way to stay with us and celebrate Easter. We are SO blessed to have so much family that we love and loves us.