Brie is now 2 months old!
She is doing so well. Still eating like a champ. She nurses every 2hrs when she is awake. Has been sleeping pretty well. At night she usually does a 7hr (ish) stretch, eats, then goes back down for another 2hrs. Sometimes she will wake up around 3am though and want to eat. Naps are a little rough. She cat naps during the morning and then takes a 2-3hr nap in the afternoon, but usually needs to be rocked and comforted half way through the afternoon nap.
Today we had her 2mon doctor appointment. She did pretty good considering all the poking and prodding. She had to get shots, which was heart breaking to watch. She screamed bloody murder. I nursed her right afterwards then she feel asleep on the way home. I gave her some Tylenol and she has been sleeping on and off ever since.
Weight: 11lbs 12oz (90th percentile)
Height: 24in (95th percentile)
I can't believe Christmas is already right around the corner. We are going to Michigan for almost a week. We have to come back right after Christmas though because I go back to work! These past 10 weeks have been amazing, I love being home with her all day. I have mixed feelings about going back to work, part of me is dreading it and another part of me is kind of excited. I am nervous a little about remembering how to be a nurse! I'll just not tell my patients I've been off for 12wks......probably for the best :) Knowing that she is in great hands with our babysitter, Shelly, and the rest of the time with daddy makes me feel MUCH better about leaving her. It'll be good for me to do my own thing a couple days a week.
Here are a couple more pics of baby girl. Josie is still on and off with caring about Briana. Sometimes she likes to lick her hands and sniff her, most of the time those she totally ignores her. That will change with Brie is able to start moving around, Josie will NOT be able to ignore that!