Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Chatter Box Brie

Brie is a BIG chatter box!  She loves to talk to people and have in depth conversations.  She also talks to the TV when that is on.  I took this video with my phone, so that is why it is narrow.  

Growing Like a Weed!

Briana is growing and changing every day it feels like!  Here are some more pics from the last few weeks:

 We bought her this jumping thing, she doesn't really get it yet.  And the only door way we have downstairs is the bathroom door....she doesn't mind though.  I think I might move it upstairs though in her door way, I think carpet under her might make it easier!
She loves her carseat, 90% of the time she just falls asleep within minutes after getting in.  Even if she just woke up from a nap.

 This picture was taken 1/29, I think we have officially broken the Earth.

 Things aren't always joyful over here......

Monday, January 7, 2013

3 Months Old

My baby is 3 months old already.  I honestly don't even know how that happened!

Briana is generally a very happy baby.  She cries when she needs something.  She has no problem making her needs known....that is for sure!  Wonder where she gets that from :)

She loves chatting with people, we often times prop her up on our knees and have a 'conversation' with her.  She talks back and gives her opinion on all life's issues.

She still does not like tummy time at all, she tolerates it for a little bit longer now though.  Still no rolling over, although not sure how she is going to accomplish that when she just get fuming mad every time she is on her tummy!  She has just started batting at toys.  I think she recognizes Alec and I a bit more now, we get lots of smiles from her!

As far as a schedule....we have gotten further away from being on one than we were last month!  Her night time sleeping schedule keeps changing.  Some nights she wakes up twice (mostly on the evenings that I work) and other nights she sleeps through the night!  She has been taking a long nap in the beginning part of the day (10-1 ish), and then a shorter nap in the afternoon.

She loves to watch TV.....also something she gets from her mama!  I just bought Praise Baby, which is a DVD with praise songs and colorful images.  It hasn't arrived yet, so we'll see if she likes it!  It is nice that she will sit and watch TV for a little while, allows us to eat dinner together usually!

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Christmas 2012

We had a fun time celebrating Briana's first Christmas!  Thankfully I was still on maternity leave until the 27th, so I got Christmas off!  We went to Michigan for a week, spent the first part of the week with the DeLange family in Grant and then headed to Dearborn for the DeKruyter Christmas.  

Here are a couple pictures we took at our house.

DeLange Christmas:

Miss Jenna was so interested in baby care!  She is going to make a great big sister come May!

Will and Jenna taking care of the poopy diaper

Dinner is served!

Tyson SO tired he didn't even know the pepperoni was there

DeKruyter Christmas: