Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Brie is going to be a BIG SISTER!

 We are excited to announce that Brie is going to be a big sister!  

Baby #2 is due December 10! 

Allyson's Bridal Shower

I threw a bridal shower for my sister, Allyson.  It was really fun to plan and I had so much fun doing the decorations and planning the menu.  I really enjoy throwing showers, I don't always enjoy the clean up though or the not being able just to relax and enjoy the party all the way, but it is so fun to me to plan and come up with it all!

I have to make a small disclaimer, I am soooo bummed that I did not take any before pictures of all the tables set up cute and all that.  But my Mother-in-Law was there and did take pictures during the shower!

We did a lunch shower.  The menu included: chicken salad on crescents, ham/turkey/veggie roll ups, chips/dip, ramen noodle salad, and fruit salad.  I also made a fruity punch and flavored water. 

Ahead of time I had asked Mike his answers to a number of questions.  At the party I asked Allyson all the same questions and she had to answer how Mike would answer.  For every question she got wrong she had to put a stick of gum in her mouth.....she did pretty good, but did end up with quit the wad in her mouth!

I had asked guests to submit recipes ahead of time, then printed them all out and started a recipe book for Allyson.  She's got all the equipment and recipes, now she made to need acquire a little more kitchen skills and she will be good to go :)  I remember when Alec and I first got married, we ate spaghetti for almost every meal because it was about the only thing I could make!  Well, that and frozen pizza and mac and cheese :)  It takes some time and practice that is for sure.....something I am still working on!