Saturday, June 28, 2014

It's a.....

I am now 16 weeks pregnant! When I was pregnant with Brie I was able to find out she was a girl at 17 weeks, I had a friend who is an ultrasound tech scan me. So it seemed like such a long wait to my 20 week ultrasound (scheduled July 18) to find out with this baby!

On the unit I work on we take care of patients that have hysterectomies (their uterus, and sometimes ovaries removed). So we have OBGYN residents that rotate on our floor to care for these patients. The other day I asked one of these residents if they had time to scan me to check gender. She said she did! So I finished up my shift and after I clocked out met her down on the labor and delivery unit. She grabbed an ultrasound machine, and I laid on a couch in the physician lounge. It was very comical!

When she first started looking she saw the umbilical cord was between the legs, so we weren't sure this was going to work. Baby was moving around tons though (I could feel it, I've been feeling it since 12.5 weeks!!). We just waited until baby moved around enough and we could get a better view. I had originally told her not to say the gender out loud, I wanted her to write it down then Alec and I could open it together. I did call Alec before I went down and made sure he was ok with this.  Well after looking around and waiting for the baby to move into position she was able to see, and got too excited that she said it out loud!  During this time 2 other OBGYN residents walked in as well and she had them take a look as well.  All said the same gender upon looking.

I then had to come up with a fun way to tell Alec!  I ended up just wrapping a box up, inside the box I put the appropriate color confetti with a sign that said the gender.  It was fun watching him open it :)

(I apologize, I have spent so much time trying to flip this picture over and no get the idea though)


Alec and I are the only ones that know what I am having, and we are keeping it that way!  Thought we would try something different with this pregnancy and keep it a secret until the baby is born!  Fun for us and suspenseful for the rest of you!

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Sleeping troubles

We are going through a new phase right now with the toddler, she absolutely refuses to sleep by herself. She has never slept with us before, always been COMPLETELY fine alone in her bed.....until about a week ago.

For both naps and bedtime she wants someone to stay in the room with her until she falls asleep. Completely asleep, if you try and sneak out when you think she's sleeping the entire cycle starts over. She has also now started waking in the night, screaming bloody murder and wants someone to sit with her. And not just for 5 minutes, like an hour! We have tried just letting her scream and not 'cater' to it......well, she got out of the crib (yes, it's on the lowest setting) numerous times.

Her naps are worse. She wakes after about 30min and will not go back down, so has been surviving off short naps (which makes her a disaster during the day.....and me!). Today, I was so tired so I just put her in the pack n play in our room, and I napped too with her. We both slept for 1.5hrs!  The poor house though looks like a BOMB went off since I have been too exhausted to clean and when she's awake she has been such a crab with the irregular sleep schedule. 

So now we search for options. I've looked online a bit and gotten a few ideas. I just have no idea what brought this on or how long a phase like this lasts! But there is noooooo way we can handle it much longer. It is so hard to know what to do; is this just a phase she will get through and just needs us to help her through it?  Or is this a weird new thing that needs to be corrected? 

I think we are going to first try and rig the crib so she can't get out, that way no matter what we at least know she's safe. I've heard of people taking out the bottom and just putting the mattress in the floor or elevated on boards. I think we have some long tough nights coming our way though.  For her, I really think the option is going to be tough love and letting her cry.  When I have tried to go in and out and comfort her she immediately lies down and is quiet the second I walk in the room, and then pops right back up when you walk out.  I really hope and pray this is something that she gets over fast because I am about at my wits end with it all.  I am not getting enough sleep, neither is she, and I am getting ZERO break from her.  It isn't exactly fostering a great mother/daughter relationship.....we are both grouchy during the day and I am so upset when she wakes up during the night I can barely see straight.  Poor kid and poor mama :(

Pray for us as we try and figure out this weird thing she is going through!! 

 This picture was post nap today for both of us, I do love when she wants to cuddle with me after naps :) 

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Summer Time Fun!

We have been loving summer time! Brie loves being outside (although it is a pain to always have to think about sunscreen or bug spray or both for her!). We've been spending time in the pool, coloring with chalk, blowing bubbles, garage saling, and lots of other summer fun-tivites! 

My sister and I tried to give Brie a ride on Sandy, the 1 cent horse at Meijer. She flipped out. Which is funny, because when I am at meijer I see tons of kids crying because they can't go on the horse...she cries because she is on the horse. 

For Alec's mom's birthday we got all the sisters together for a fun day in Rockford.  We had a great time, and Alec was awesome and took the day off so he could watch Brie and Kate's younger girls! He did great with them!

Alec and I snuck out for a date night one night! It was nice to spend time with just the two of us, it seems like it is a rare occurrence! 

Brie is getting better and better at playing by herself. It comes and goes, but some days it is great! She always likes to know where I am and that I am close-ish. I do get concerned when it gets real quiet and I haven't heard from her in a while. I have caught her coloring on things she isn't supposed to, getting into my desk, emptying drawers.....nothing major. 

She LOVES to 'coy' (color)! It's sooooo cute. 

And here we are with baby #2 at 13 weeks and a few days. Way different/bigger than when I was pregnant with Brie! 

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Re-roofing Project

We are becoming expert re-roofers.  This is now our second house we have had to re-roof shortly after moving in.  


During the tear off stage (which was a few days):

I am so so so glad this project is now behind us.  It was a huge undertaking and took almost an entire week.  Alec started working on it the week before all the family was scheduled to come and help. With the help of Mike Schutt and Alec's dad they got the section over our bedroom complete. Over the course of a couple days before the roofing project he worked with Mike to get the majority of the roof torn off. 

Roofing day was May 31, and everyone showed up by 9am.  They got started right away and started making some great progress.  We had about 6 guys working full time on the roof, and a couple other people stopped by to pitch in when they were able.  Everything went fairly well, the biggest issue was how hot it was.  They had to hose off their new shingles that were laid to keep them cool enough to work on.  It was SO stinkin' hot; we went through 48 bottles of Gatorade and 40 bottles of water over the course of the day.  That is a TON of fluids, and I don't think those guys hardly peed at all. 

Lauren hosing off the roof since it was too hot for the roofers to even walk on!

Just to prove how many people came out to help:


 Brie was just enjoying the chaos, she loved waving to the people on the roof!

I was not much help, being pregnant and on Brie duty. I pulled Brie around in the wagon ($20 garage sale ya!), threw up bottles of water to the roofers, and was on food patrol. 

I had sooooo much food for these guys, and let me tell you they didn't eat NEAR what I thought they would.  I kind of forgot though you aren't really all that hungry when you are so hot.  But during the course of the day I would bring out food again and they would eat again, so we did pretty well in moving the food!

Mid day cool off:

They all did great.  They got the house done (minus a couple details Alec finished up the next day) just in time for dark!  They were on the roof on and off from 9am to almost 10pm!  They did take a lunch break and a quick pool break to cool down.  The next morning Alec, Mike DeBoer, and Mike Schutt met up at 6:30am to get the detached garage done before it heated up.  They had that thing torn off, and re shingled by noon!  They all commented on how much faster they could work in the cool morning temps.  It worked out great that Brie wanted to go down for a morning nap (we still have no schedule for that kid...), while she napped Lauren, Allyson, and I picked up all the shingles they threw off the roof.  We had some great team work going, that is for sure!

We are SO thankful for our family that gave up their weekend and time to come and help us with this insane huge project.  We saved so much money by doing it ourselves rather than hiring it out, which is awesome!  I am so over the project, I am ready to have my husband back and Brie is ready to have her dad back.  Alec told me a roof lasts about 25yrs, I told him we are either moving in 24yrs or hiring it out next time.  No more roofing.  In the last 5 years we have roofed two houses, I'm over it.  That is more than you are supposed to do in a lifetime I think! 
