Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Potty Training

I think we have arrived.  Brie has decided the time has come to do all her potties on the big girl potty!  I could not be more happy about this.  She wears underwear all the time now; with the exception of at night.  She still wears a diaper to bed at night and is soaking wet in the morning.  Even for naps though she can stay dry. 

Brie was peeing on the potty for a while now, but would refuse to go #2.  I left her in a diaper or pullup for the morning until she would poop in it, then we would wear undies the rest of the day.  This system was working really well.  I kept encouraging her to try and go in the potty; but she has no interest and was freaked out by it.  I realized she didn't know how to go sitting down.  One day I caught her in the act and put her on the potty half way through, this seemed to start the though process for her.  After a few accidents she got the hang of it! 

She has had a couple accidents here and there, usually because we are outside playing.  But overall, I think she's got it!  Yippie for only 1 kid in diapers now!!!

She is getting so old, I can hardly believe it. She has a backpack she likes to play with, she puts it on and says 'I'm going to school, mommy!'  No you are not baby girl, stop growing up so fast!!!  I can't even imagine her being gone during the day at school, thank goodness we have a lot of time before that because clearly I am no where near ready for that stage!

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Leah 5 Months

Leah seems to have gotten a lot older this past month, I am reminded how much I love the 'interactive baby' stage!

She doesn't seemed to have gotten much bigger; she is still wearing 6mon size clothes and probably will for the next month or so I think.  She almost always had PJs on; pretty much the only time I put real clothes on her is if we are going somewhere or someone is coming over.  Leah doesn't seem to mind :)

Still no schedule during the day.....or night for that matter.  She goes to bed around 8-9pm, and usually wakes up to eat around 2:30 - 4:30am (sometimes twice a night).  Lately, she has been having a really hard time going back to sleep after she wakes up to eat.  This has been soooo rough; most of the time she just ends up in our bed for the rest of the night.  Oye, not sure how we are ever going to get out of this cycle.  She naps very sporadically during the day.  She usually does one longer nap (1-2hrs) and many short naps.

I honestly have no idea how often she eats during the day; I just let her nurse whenever she is unhappy or won't go to sleep.  Seems easy enough to me, haha!  She takes a bottle really well for Alec and the babysitters; she takes a 5oz bottle.  She got upset a few times when there was formula mixed into her bottles, she even refused to take it once! Before she gets a bottle she reaches for it and gets excited; before she nurses....oh man, she can hardly contain herself.  She gets so excited and starts laughing, sometimes she starts crying a little because she is so anxious!  I haven't really started thinking about solid food; I've let her lick a spoon and gum on apple slices here and there.  She isn't interested yet; I'll probably wait another month or so.  Pediatrician said to at least start by 6mon; so I have another month or so. 

Leah started rolling over from tummy to back; but not consistently.  She still has no idea she can do it; she just does it on accident here and there.  She loves to lay on the floor or play mat.  And really likes her exersaucer too, her favorite thing is to stand up so it is perfect!  Leah figured out how to put things in her mouth; she puts EVERYTHING in her mouth!  Lots of slobber too, I usually put a bib on her to contain the slobber. She uses her pacifier to go to sleep, and occasionally other times throughout the day.  She definitely needs it to settle down enough to sleep.  She doesn't even try and suck her thumb or fingers anymore.

Brie loves Leah; she is so precious with how she watches Brie and smiles at her.  Brie is a good helper and throws diapers away, sings her songs when she is sad, and can get her toys to play with.  I hope and pray they grow up to love each other and play well together!

Leah is our easy going, smiley, drooling, little girl!  She sure is a keeper!