Thursday, August 26, 2010

Ready or not...

These last three weeks I have not been working. The people I babysit for decided to send the kids to a day camp for the last few weeks of summer, so I have just been enjoying a LOT of down time. Lots of relaxing, some organizing, visitors, scrapbooking and card making, and just simply enjoying my time with no school or homework to stress about.
These last few days I have NOT been looking forward to school. All the little facts about school I have not put any thought into the entire summer have been starting to surface and I feel that familiar dread about starting school. I always get a lot of anxiety before starting a new semester; so many unknowns.... Being a student does not always come easy to me, I typically have to study a little harder than the next person. Then I find myself asking: "Why am I back in school, do I really want to be a nurse?" I've felt pretty negative these last couple days about going back to school, but the fact of the matter I have realized is, I am BLESSED to be able to go back to school. I am blessed to have a husband that can provide for us making it possible, I am so blessed to have this opportunity. So no more negative I have decided! One assignment at a time, one test at a time, and one semester at a just 16mon I will graduate!

Hopefully Josie adjusts to me not being home all the time. My schedule is different everyday during the semester, some days I am home more than others. Thankfully Alec often has the option to come home for lunch and let her out for a little while. She does seem totally fine though when we leave her, pretty sure she just sleeps the entire time! She is developing such a little personality (funny, sounds like I am talking about a kid!). She is a funny little puppy though, we love her :)

Here is a little bit of my work from the last couple weeks, I think I have made about 20 cards. I will be set for the entire year, which is good because I will have no time to make cards once school starts!

My table and the scrapbook I am currently working on.

These are just a few of the cards I have made:


Catherine VP said...

Love the new cards! I am going to have to do some copying.

I know it is hard to go back to school and I will be praying for you. I hope you can have a fun restful weekend.....and of course some Mario Kart. Alec warned Aaron you both have been practicing and getting better! :)

Miss you friend!

Jess and Brad said...

Wow Talent!!! You'll do great at school....if we need to have a GNO once in awhile to be it! :) :) :) I'm all for pedicures and fruity drinks!