Friday, June 21, 2013

Moving Day!

We were finally able to move into our house June 15!  Such a crazy day!  Alec met a few people at the storage locker where all our stuff was stored and loaded up a truck first thing in the morning.  Then headed over to the house where everyone was ready to unload!  We unloaded that truck so fast I couldn't believe it. I like to think for the most part I was very organized with labeling, almost everything was labeled with which room it went into.  I stood right inside the front door where all the traffic was and directed people and identified any mystery items.  Soon everything was placed into the proper rooms and the house looked like a complete disaster!  Soooooo many boxes.  Thank heavens we have such awesome family and friends, some even were able to stay for a while after lunch and help unpack boxes!  We got WAY more done that day than I ever thought possible, so a HUGE thank you to everyone.  

We had so many people helping our lawn looked like a parking lot:

Waiting for the truck to arrive, starting on round 1:

Let the madness begin:

 Even Josie got in on the action, actually here she was so freaked out with all the craziness she was trying to get to Alec:

My mother in law was so helpful with watching Brie most of the day, and of course still able to take pictures:

For lunch I ordered Subway trays of sandwiches:

Commence organization:

We are slowly feeling more settled.  Still a few random boxes here and there, mostly of stuff I'm not sure where I want it yet.  I have to do some more organization in the kitchen, it is SO close, but there is a few cupboards that are busting full and a few others that are empty.  Alec had to travel the majority of this week for work, so that put a huge slow down on productivity.  But Brie and I have been able to manage ok, couple little things that we needed to call for help with but we are getting into the swing of things again!

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