Monday, October 7, 2013

12 Months Old

*** sorry for the delay on this post. Having some serious computer problems****

It has officially been one year!  Sometimes I look back and wonder where in the world this last year has gone, and at the same time it feels like Briana has been apart of our lives forever!  She is growing up so fast.

One year ago....

This is on our way out the door to the hospital (4am) after my water broke in the night.  I am not looking to pleased here, pretty nervous and the contractions were starting to get painful!

Then just a mere 12hrs (sure didn't seem that long though...) after arriving to the hospital our baby girl was born!  I have been thinking back to that time recently, and it is amazing what you forget (or maybe block out?!).  I remember all the nurses in labor and delievery saying, "Oh, you will forget about all this pain and all the unpleasant stuff.  You will just remember your beautiful baby!"  Well, a year later and I find that partly true, I sure do remember pushing for almost 2hrs and not exactly enjoying it!  Totally worth it though :)

And now here we are with our big one year old.  She is such a little busy body.  She loves to crawl around, open drawers and empty them, also loves to empty any bag, box, or bin that she comes across.  We are constantly finding her with stuff we have to take away.  She is a little magnet for things she is not supposed to be playing with!  Some of Brie's favorite things to do are: walk behind toys she can push, play in the DVD drawers, ride in the stroller, play in the dog bed, make the 'woof' sound, and shake her head no.  She is just every where though, oh my word!  Still no walking or standing on her own; but she is able to push things and walk behind and hold our hands and walk.  I don't think it will be long before she is on her own, her biggest hurdle is the fact she is a big fat chicken and has no interest in walking!  She is too nervous to move around on her own.  

We are getting 1 year pictures taken October 14, so many more to come!!!!

Up until about 2 weeks ago she was nursing 4x/day and eating 3 meals a day.  But just recently we cut out the 2 day time feeding and she is having a bottle with half formula half cow milk. She wouldn't take straight cow milk so we are easing into it. Food is a struggle, she is very picky and does not like to try anything new.  One day she will eat something, and the next day she won't!  You should see my kitchen at every meal, I usually end up with 4 different things on the counters trying to get her to eat something besides her few favorites.  Her favorite foods include: bananas, yogurt, any type of bread, grapes, and pasta.  Not a lot of variety....there are other foods she will sometimes eat, but just depends on her mood.  Oddly, she eats food from Alec WAY better than from me. Any food she doesn't want gets thrown off her high chair tray (which Josie just loves!) and she shakes her head no, and even will screech sometimes.  We just keep trying different stuff!

Brie is still taking 2 naps a day (usually around 10a and 3p, give or take an hour), she sleeps for just over an hour usually.  I would love longer naps, but oh well.  Maybe when we move to one nap she will (I'm sure crossing my fingers and hoping and praying!).  She goes to bed between 7-8pm every night. Lately she has been waking up around 6:15am every morning, it is killing me!  WAY too early, especially since I will be starting my new job in a couple weeks working the pm shift.  That will only give me about 5hrs of sleep! We will have to just see how it goes, thankfully I am only part time and don't have to go in very often.  We have tried a later bed time, but she still wakes up the same time and is just a crab during the day.  

She isn't really saying any words (probably going to get yelled at by the pediatrician when we go in!).  Sometimes it sounds like she is trying to copy a word we just said, but she does say mama and dada.  And of course she knows 'woof'.  She does a lot of pointing, which is very cute! She chatters a lot and knows how to make vroom vroom noises when she pushes her truck (yes, she has a truck :)).  She loves to be loud (wonder where she gets that from...), if other people are having a conversation that does not include her she just screams until we pay attention to her.  Oh boy!  

It is so fun to teach her stuff.  Some stuff she picks up on so fast, like I taught her to feed her baby doll a bottle and she remembers that!  She sometimes will give hugs, she just leans in on your shoulder.  And her kisses are open mouth kisses!  She doesn't let us miss any of her needs.  If she is tired she lays on the floor and cries, if she wants food she pulls on her high chair, if she is mad she screams and throws stuff....definitely makes her needs known!

Alec and I feel so blessed to be Briana's parents, we love watching her grow and develop and become her own person.  We love her so much and are just trying to enjoy each stage she goes through!!

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