She says anything and everything, putting 3-4 words together, basically talking in full sentences. It really kind of seemed like it happened over night. She went from sometimes putting 2 words together, to stringing together multiple in the course of a few weeks. She starts almost everything with 'a'; so any sentence or many words she puts an 'a' in front. Some of the phrases or words we hear the most are:
- 'A fall down' - Anytime she falls or anything drops this is said, usually numerous times.
- 'Under da bridge' - loves to walk under our legs, or under anything and says it is a bridge
- 'A baby' - loooooves her baby dolls
- 'Me watch George' - its really the only show she watches, Curious George, thank goodness there are numerous seasons on Netflix!
When we have people over, she usually takes a little bit to warm up. But usually after a rather short period of time she is hamming it up and showing off!
We seem to be over the awful sleeping thing. Just recently things have calmed down and we are all getting much more sleep! No more having to sleep in her room, no more getting up in the middle of the night screaming, and she goes down pretty easy for both naps and bedtime. AMEN! That was a rough 6 weeks that I do not care to ever repeat. But I am glad we didn't do anything drastic and just let her work through it on her own timing.
When she is mad she does what we call 'Bull-Eyes'; where she furrows her eyebrows and squints her eyes. So we all say 'put your bull eyes away!'. Well she has started doing this funny thing where we mimic her face, and go from 'bull-eyes' to 'happy-eyes' and back and forth as fast as she can. It is seriously hilarious. I should get a video, but here are some pictures of each.
Happy Eyes:
We are outside quite a bit, especially with all the garden picking I have been doing recently. She tends to just go from one thing to the next, comes in a checks in on me every once in a while in the garden. She doesn't really like going in the garden, the plants rub on her and she tends to get yelled at for stepping on plants.
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