Sunday, July 7, 2013

9 Months Old

Briana was 9 month old on the 4th of July.  I remember all too well last year on the 4th of July, I was 27 weeks pregnant and it was over 100 degrees.  I will take this years scenario ANY day over last years!  I asked Alec, "Does it feel like we have had a baby for 9 months now?"  He and I both agreed it definitely did not. She is getting so old and doing new stuff almost every day it seems like.

27 weeks pregnant, July 4, 2012: 

9 months old, July 4, 2013:

What a difference one year can make.

Her biggest change this month is how mobile she is.  She can now crawl, she started crawling just a couple days after we moved in (June 18, 2013).  After a few days of doing a clumsy crawl she pretty much mastered it.  She still isn't all that fast, but she definitely gets to where she wants to go.  She is almost pulling herself up as well, she has done it a few times by using things low to the ground.  She goes up on her knees all the time, so I know going up all the way is not far off.  We have slowly been baby proofing as she gets into stuff, but once she can pull up it will be tons more baby proofing! She will crawl up to me and paw at my legs, and then lay across my feet when she wants my attention.  

Brie is starting to sleep a little better.  She takes two naps a day, each one is about an hour and a half (give or take) and she goes down really easy.  We just lay her down with her lovey, turn on the fan, rub her back for a few minutes and usually she is out.  Sometimes she cries for a little bit, but then puts herself down.  At night she goes down around 7:30pm and then usually wakes up once in the night (between 4:30-5:30), eats then goes back down until 7ish.  I don't mind, some people can't believe we don't have an exact schedule and that she still gets up in the night, but it works for us!  

She still likes her solid foods, we just started doing 3 meals a day.  She eats pretty much whatever I make her, which has been great. I really enjoy making baby food, it is fun to come up with different combinations and see what her favorites are!  She is starting to do finger food, but so far that isn't going so well.  She tends to choke on a lot of stuff and ends up just spitting it out.  She is also still nursing about 5x/day (including the 1 time in the night).  

Brie is starting to be shy when there are a lot of people around, she won't give out smiles as easy and just sits back and takes it all in.  She still doesn't care who holds her for the most part, she loves to be held!  But if she gets nervous or freaked out she wants to come by Alec or myself.  She has also started to cry while taking a bath, this is a new thing and so I am really hoping it is a phase!  

We love our little Brie so much and love watching her continue to develop and grow.  We are truly blessed and thank God for her every single day!

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