Monday, July 29, 2013

Milwaukee Visit (Part 1)

We were able to go to Milwaukee for a few days to visit our friends!  It works out great that Alec can work out of the office there; we left Friday morning and were able to stay in town until the following Wednesday morning. It was nice that it wasn't a rushed weekend and we were able to see tons of different friends.

Brad and Jessie were gracious enough to host us for the 5 nights that we were in town.  We aren't exactly the easiest people to have as guests with Brie now, but it was so much fun!  They have a 3mon old, Bennett, and Brie loved to crawl up to him, take his pipe and toys, and try and touch his face.  Poor Bennett did get a couple face pokes throughout our time there, but he handled like it champ and thankfully Brie didn't cause any permanent damage.....

Brie slept pretty awful while we were there.  The first two nights were the WORST.  The first night she screamed from 11:15 - pretty sure no one got a ton of sleep that night.  She would always wake up during the night around 3am, and then be up for the day around 5:15am!  Horrible....her Eastern internal clock would not shut off, no matter what time she went to bed.  So Alec and I took turns getting up in the morning with her.  Needless to say we won't be traveling any time soon with her.....  (We were debating spending a night or two camping with my parents coming up later this week at Muskegon State Park, but I think it would be better for everyone involved if we just come for the day time and went home for bedtime.)

We arrived Friday, hung out for a little bit and then all the adults met up for dinner!  We went to BelAir Cantina in Wauwatosa.  They just opened a few weeks ago.  The food and drinks was amazing, but unfortunately the service was HORRIBLE.  Hopefully they work out those kinks.....  But we had an absolute blast with everyone.

Then on Saturday we went to the Milwaukee zoo with Brad and Jessie.  We love the zoo there, and had been wanting to take Brie.  We had such a good time, the weather was amazing and the babies did great!  I couldn't believe how much the 2 babies got out of the zoo for as young as they are.  But both were looking at stuff and Brie would point to stuff that she saw, it was great!

She loved looking around and taking it all in.

Bennett did great for only being 3mon old, he enjoyed being pushed in his stroller and looking around at all the different sights!

It was a bit hot during the first part of the day, and so Alec and Brie are cooling off by one of the blowers that were meant to keep the floors dry:

Alec and I failed at remembering a ton of stuff for Brie this day....we forgot a blanket to cover the stroller so she could nap, her lovey that she falls asleep with, and wipes!  FAIL!  Thankfully Jessie is super prepared and we were able to borrow a few things from her diaper bag.  Brie is fast asleep here with a leg poking out.

Bennett was giving me smiles! 

 Loving looking at the animals, and being up by her daddy.  And sucking on her thumb...that thing is always in her mouth, we are in for a long road I think with that thumb.

 I love this picture, you can see her little pointy finger!

 And what do you do after a long day at the zoo, just sit back with your legs up in the stroller, relaxing and eating some puffs.  Ah, the life!

1 comment:

Jess and Brad said...

I LOVE her little legs up on the stroller - so funny and cute that she always does that!!! :)