Thursday, March 20, 2014

Swimming Lessons

I was actually able to take a few pictures of Brie at swimming lessons today since I am technically still not supposed to submerge my incisions in water yet. Alec worked from home this morning and was able to take her for her lesson. 

She is doing pretty well, still not super comfortable in water and doesn't close her mouth when she goes under water. But we are getting there, and it's better from where we started! There are 4-5 other kids in her class and she's definitely the bottom of her class skills wise (haha, sorry Brie but it's true!). She's enjoying it though and loves playing with all the different pool toys and floaties they have! Hopefully she will continue to improve and gain confidence in the water.

(The pictures aren't great because it was through a glass wall, but you get the idea)

She had just had a turn in the boat and was pointing emphatically at it saying "MOE MOE MOE!!"  (translation = more). 

Going under water!

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