Wednesday, March 19, 2014


Lately Brie has been OBSESSED with Elmo. I swear she doesn't watch it very often on tv! I let her watch maybe once a day, usually while I take a shower.  So it isn't even a full episode she watches! She asks for Elmo allllll day long, it's honestly a little annoying. "Elma? Elma?" All day every day. 

So I had to think of something else besides always saying no, and her getting mad. So I bought her Elmo flash cards and an Elmo doll. So now when she asks for Elmo I offer her the Elmo doll or we go through the shape/color flash cards. 

(Pardon the snotty nose...a recent development, first time sick this winter though!)

Well, she still asks for Elmo all the time, and doesn't really care much about the doll. But at least I tired to do something creative?! 

I did find a hokey Elmo shirt at meijer on clearance. She loves that, she points to Elmo while wearing it. 

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